Chapter 14

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Jaune and Team SSSN arrives in Ozpin's Office and as they opened the door they were greeted by Ozpin, Ironwood, and surprisingly Winter. They all see some guy in the couch and they could guess that this guys is drunk.

Jaune: Who the hell is this?

As Jaune points at the drunk man on the couch.

Ozpin: That Jaune is Qrow Brawnen.

Ironwood: And don't mind him, he's always drinking.

Sage: You mean everyday?

Winter: Yes, makes you think he'll die by alcohol poisoning at this point.

Qrow: Can it Ice Queen.

Jaune: Anyways ignoring him, Flynt and his team were able to uncover all the data and info on Cinder's Scroll.

Ironwood: And what were you able to find?

Jaune: Names, locations, messages, everything. We also found the identity of the Mole in Haven.

As Jaune presented Ozpin with the USB as he gestured to place it in his computer and he did as multiple documents and pictures appear on the screen.

Jaune points at one document and it shows a list of messages as he click on one specific name, Leonardo Lionheart.

Ozpin: Leo....

Ironwood: Lionheart is a traitor?!

As Ironwood looks at the messages and sees that Cinder was speaking to Lionheart about giving them info about them being students and making sure that their records are clean. Ironwood was furious, who knows what Lionheart could be giving her.

Ironwood: Ozpin we need to do something!

Sun: So our Headmaster was sending Huntsmen to their deaths.

Scarlet: The question is why.

Jaune: We'll deal with that later, Ozpin, Ironwood you also need to see this.

As Jaune swipes the screen and looks for three names he found that interest him. As he clicks on a document and pulls out three names to show to them.

Hazel Rainart
Arthur Watts
Tyrian Callows

Jaune: Hazel Rainart, there is no info about him in our databanks. Which means it was erased, but the info we could get says that he is the twin sister of one Gretchen Rainart who was a student at Beacon Academy. She died during a mission.

Neptune: But the database in Arcadia says he has murdered numerous Huntsmen.

Jaune: Next we have Arthur Watts, a disgraced former scientist from Atlas who died in the Paladin Incident.

Ironwood: So this means that Watts faked his death.

Winter: This is very concerning as Watts knows everything about Atlas.

Sun: This could explain how Cinder got her hands on a virus.

Sage: It was made by Watts.

Winter: Jaune, Watts never took part in anything Arcadian related right?

Jaune: Yes, Watts never helped with any of Arcadia's Technology. So we should be safe, it's Atlas that has me concerned.

Ironwood: I'll make sure to tighten security when I get back. Have Polendina create something to counter any of Watts schemes.

Jaune: And finally we have Tyrian Callows, a know serial killer. He is known to be very dangerous and difficult to track.

Ozpin just thinks as he was given the names of Cinder's associates and with the revelation that Lionheart was a traitor he fears that all of this people are connected to her.

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