Chapter 16

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The 4 of them arrive in the City and are in the main grounds of the Vytal Festival. They are wearing Civilian Clothing and Jaune is equipped with a G7 Scout as he is surveying the area as the other 3 watch him. As Jaune sees his target, he smiles as he turns the safety of his gun.

Jaune: That Bastard, who is he kidding? Jade waited over an hour for you. That's one hour of my Twin Sister's time. I took great care to raise her alongside my Mother. You're going to pay for that with your remaining life. Sun! Get your Rifle and-

Neptune: Hold on!! You mean the guy we're after?! Is your Twin Sister's Boyfriend?

Jaune: He's not her Boyfriend! I'll never acknowledge a frivolous Man like him!

Neptune: Are you kidding me Jaune! I'll never acknowledge you as my Captain now if this is the shit you pull!

Ren: Neptune, I'll never acknowledge you as the number one Tech Genius in our Battalion.

Sun: Neptune, I'll never acknowledge you as a Ladies Man because of your lack of a Date.

Neptune: Both of you shut up! This is ridiculous! I took off my free time to come here! And you're asking us to interrupt your Sister's date? I can't do this, I'm leaving!

Jaune: Hey wait! I never asked you to break up with her date. I just want you to kill the guy.

Neptune: That's even worse!

Jaune: Do you think a jewelry-wearing joker like that is going to make Jade happy? No, I want to acknowledge the guy that my Sister falls in love with. I though about it, I thought long and hard and I came to the conclusion that I have no choice but to kill him.

Neptune: That's thinking too much. Sun, talk some sense into this doting brother.

Sun: Who are you calling Sun?

Neptune sees Sun brings out the G7 Scout.

Sun: Call me, assassin Gorilla 13.

Neptune: What are you doing? Why the 13?

Sun: It's a symbol of my persistence. This year, I've been dumped by that Cat Faunus Barista thirteen times. Hey Jaune, I'll help too. She needs a strong silent type like me!

Jaune: Sun...

Sun: I've known Jade since she was a little girl...She's like a sister to me. I can't give her away to a loser like that! Let's do it, Boss!

Jaune: Yeah!

Neptune watches the two of them charged towards the Vytal Festival stands area.

Neptune: H-Hey!! This is bad. I'd be willing to bet that they'll really do it. Ren, we've got to stop them.

Ren: Who're you calling Ren?

As Neptune looks and sees Ren bring out his G7 Scout.

Ren: I'm the Assassin Lie 13.

Ren began running the same way the other two went.

Neptune: Hey!!

In the Amusement Park, everyone is having a good time in the Festival. Meanwhile, Jaune, Sun, and Ren can be seen following Jade and her Boyfriend around like a bunch of weirdos and yes everyone sees them clear as day. Neptune is basically trying his best to not get the 3 idiots into trouble.

Jaune: Clever bastard, he picked the spot well!

Sun: I can't take aim, I'm feeling kind of sick.

Jaune: Hey Sun, how long until we catch up to him? We arent getting any closer.

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