Chapter 5

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The Arknights arrived back at Arcadia HQ as they relay all the info they acquired from Roman and lay out their plan of attack.

Briggs: So from your reports of the Docks, Roman was tasked to steal Dust for the White Fang and they have it all stored in Mt. Glenn.

Jaune: Yes, by now Roman should be back with his Employers.

Arslan: The News in Vale said that the Council paraded that they captured Roman.

Flynt: But when they were escorting him back to the Station, the convoy was attacked by an "unknown group" and Roman escaped.

Sun: And the Citizens blame the Council for their incompetence of letting Roman escape and demand for better Security.

Jaune: And that's where we come in.

As Jaune display a Holomap of the entirety of Vale.

Jaune: Here is a lay out of all the checkpoints and outposts we will install in Vale. I don't care if the Vale Council dosen't like it. There is a big threat in Vale and we need to deal with it. We need to show them that we can protect them.

Coco: Which will results with the People supporting us.

Jaune: Exactly and I just know how to do it.

As Jaune shows a projection of Mt. Glenn.

Briggs: Mt. Glenn, huh I like where you're getting at Captain. So what's your plan?

Jaune: I'll send my Battalion to clear out Mt. Glenn of all the Grimm and deal with the White Fang problem.

Sun: I see, I get where you're getting at Jaune. Does Roman still have the info he knows about their operations?

Jaune: Yes he does. Flynt.

Flynt nods as he projects the Underground System of Mt. Glenn.

Flynt: The kingdom developed an elaborate underground metro system that allowed the settlers to commute to and from the main kingdom and the new territory, thus bypassing the danger of the Grimm, while also setting up an aggressive perimeter defense that worked for a short period of time, keeping the thousands of the city's residents safe in their new home. However, Mountain Glenn did not have the natural barriers like Vale does, and as Grimm attacks began to increase every day they overwhelmed the city's defenses. In a last-ditch effort to stave off destruction, the citizens of Mountain Glenn took refuge in the tunnels they had initially cleared for their subways, converting them into an underground settlement and cutting themselves off from the surface entirely. Unfortunately, it was compromised when an explosion opened the mouth of another cavern filled with subterranean Grimm. Vale sealed off the tunnels permanently.

Nebula: So essentially the White Fang are going to use the Tunnels to get to Vale.

Arslan: And use whatever Dust they have to blow up the structures that protect Vale.

Brawn: And bring all the Grimm in Vale.

Briggs: I see, I'll speak to Command and see what they think of this. Get your Battalion ready if the call has been made.

Jaune: Understood.

Briggs: All of you are dismissed.

As the Arknight Officers left the Command Center and head back to their Barracks.

Jaune: Sun get everyone to the meeting room, we'll discuss our plan of approach for Mt. Glenn in case the Generals approve the plan.

Sun: On it.

Arslan: What do we do about Alister and his other associates?

Jaune: He's not our concern right now, Roman and Neo will give us the info soon. Our priority now is to get rid of the Mt. Glenn problem. No doubt they would use the Grimm as their army to attack Vale soon.

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