23. Aria

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We both continued to cry alone, side by side.

And then when our tears finally dried up, we talked.

A lot.

He apologized over and over, and he admitted that he knew he was aggressively overprotective sometimes. Being the oldest of four children with three younger, attractive sisters had forced him into the "bodyguard" role from a young age. When Melody and Harmony came to visit and they all went out together, he was asked to chaperone and interfere if any boys tried to get to the girls.

"You know Melody has a girlfriend right now, right?" I asked, slightly amused. He chuckled and nodded. "Yes, but she's bi. Which only made protecting her more complicated..." I smiled ruefully. Melody had definitely learned how to protect herself.

I wish I could say the same.

He went on to tell me that he had kind of resigned himself to just living the free, single life, because any time he actually dated and started developing feelings, he got "too intense." So when Melody asked him to keep an eye on me—from afar—he was determined at first to stay away. And then he saw me absentmindedly caressing my belly one day, and he realized I might be pregnant.

And that was the end of that.

He asked his parents if he could work at the grocery store, so he'd have more chances to speak to me. And then the more he talked to me and got to know me, the more he knew he wouldn't be able to keep things casual. But his family warned him to "be gentle". They told him he would scare me off if he got too intense and protective too quickly.

So when I finally agreed to try dating, and I insisted upon going very, very slowly—only kissing and holding hands, no nighttime dates, no meeting my son—he happily agreed. Even though he was falling in love with me, he figured it would make it easier on him to not get overly protective and possessive if I kept him at arms length.

But then Alejandro and Lara showed up.

And that's when his struggle with keeping things light and breezy really started.

...I guess me straddling him and him seeing me naked for the first time was the nail in my coffin. I awakened the beast, and even he admitted that he wasn't sure there was a way to go back to "100% sweet and gentle" Rurik now. Every day he spent with me and Daniel, he felt himself growing more possessive and worried that Alessandro would try to take us from him.

It made a lot of sense, now that I could see the full picture.

All of his overprotective actions made sense, on some level.

But I told him that the way he went about things was what didn't make sense. It made him look crazy and controlling, and then it made me feel crazy for thinking his moderately reasonable decisions were crazy. I think he finally understood me this time.

We hugged. And I realized he was still not wearing pants. So we laughed.

And then we started kissing. And then somehow my clothes came off. And then somehow we ended up together in the shower. And somehow my legs wrapped around his waist, and he was somehow fucking me up against the shower wall.

It was really hot, and I was really into it. But also, his dick was huge, and this angle—with me propped up high against the wall, pretty much just balancing on his dick—was kind of painful. He kept stabbing my cervix, and as much as I tried to relax, I couldn't get past the discomfort.

"Baby. Rurik. Can we...try something different, please? This position is kind of—" His eyes lit up and he smiled broadly, and I smiled back.

"Kind of boring, I know. I completely agree. I can't really touch you when my arms are holding you up. Just give me a second." He helped me slide back down to the floor and eased his dick out of me, then stepped out of the shower. After a few minutes, I decided I might as well take an actual shower, so I started soaping up my body and washing my hair.

My eyes were closed against the stream of water hitting my face. So I didn't see him come back in the shower, but I heard him. "Jeez, you were gone for a while! Wha—" I was interrupted by the feeling of something pushing into my ass. It felt like a small tube.

I still had shampoo in my hair and some of it was running into my eyes, so I jerked away, but I couldn't open my eyes yet. "Rurik, stop. What is that???" He chuckled and kissed my neck before saying, "You said you wanted to try something different, right? I told you I wouldn't do that until I cleaned you out, though, so I had to go get everything ready. I'm going to give you an enema. Just stay still." I started washing my hair out faster, wanting to see what the fuck he had inserted into my asshole. I was reaching for a towel to dry my face off when I suddenly felt a cold jet of water shooting directly into my bowels.

"Rurik, I don't...know if I...like this. It feels really weird. We can just have normal se—"

"Shhh, baby it's ok. This will just feel a little uncomfortable, but it won't hurt. It's just water. And I'll be gentle, ok? If it hurts, I'll stop. Just try to relax until I'm done." I shifted my legs uncomfortably as I dried my face off. When I opened my eyes, I could see my belly getting larger, like I was pregnant with an alien that grew at an alarming speed. I felt Rurik leaning over my shoulder, watching my belly grow as well. His hands caressed my expanding abdomen in awe.

"Oh man," He whispered, "This brings back memories, huh? I wish I could've seen your naked body when you were pregnant with Daniel." I didn't respond. Not because I was weirded out, but because I was extremely uncomfortable and felt like I was about to explode.

"How many kids would you like to have someday, baby? I'll take as many as you're willing to give me, when you're ready." His voice sounded dreamy, like he was already picturing us surrounded by Daniel and a small army of little blonde babies. I cringed.

"Uh...I-I don't...know. Maybe 2 or 3 more...eventually? But I'm really uncomf—"

"Yes! Maybe 3 girls! It would be just like my family, with an older boy and three younger sisters. Just a little bit more, baby. Almost done, and then you can run to the toilet." We both continued to stare at my expanding stomach. I was horrified, but Rurik seemed excited.

"I think I'll invite my sisters over this weekend! Does that sound ok? They've been dying to meet you, and I think you would get along really w—"

"Rurik, ok whatever! Fine! Move!!! I have to get out. I can't hold it anymore!!!!" He stopped the stream of water and slid the little tube out of my ass, allowing me to step out and run the toilet. I barely made it in time before a huge stream of water violently gushed out. It just kept coming and coming. My belly quickly deflated right before my eyes.

This is so fucking weird.

Rurik stepped out of the shower and walked over to observe, which was also weird. "Ok baby, just two more times, and then you'll be ready for me." My face shot up and I balked at him.

"No. No way. I'm not doing that again. I don't even like anal sex, Rurik. I don't think having squeaky clean intestines is going to change that." I expected him to laugh. Or chuckle. Or maybe smile.

But apparently Everyday Rurik/Jekyll had left the building and Bedrook Rurik/Hyde was back. "Malia, you said you wanted to try something different. So let's try it. Maybe you didn't like his cock up your ass, but you haven't even tried it with me yet. You're living in my home with no job, no car, thinking about having babies with me someday. I just got you a brand-new phone. I've given you everything, but you won't give me your ass? At least once?" He looked hurt again, but I didn't even care this time. I just stared at him, wide- eyed and speechless.

Oh my God. He might actually be insane.

Or at least his alternate personality that apparently came to life when sex was involved was insane. Either way, everything he just said was so fucking twisted.

I really needed to go back to therapy and just have someone confirm that I wasn't the crazy one here.

"Rurik, that was really uncomfortable and weird. I didn't enjoy that. I know from past experience that I don't enjoy anal sex. I don't want to do this. In fact, i would like to go rinse off and get dressed now..." His hurt expression morphed into an expression of barely contained rage.

He got right up in my face and said, "No."

Hide and Seek: Married to My Master Part 2Where stories live. Discover now