22. Aria

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Things between me and Rurik seemed to deteriorate a bit after he'd stormed off. He was crushed that I didn't trust him and seemingly thought the worst of him every time he tried to do something to keep me safe. I didn't know how to make him understand that this was more of a communication issue than a trust issue.

But true to his word, a shiny new phone arrived 2 days after our argument. He wordlessly handed it to me and was about to storm out, but I grabbed his arm before he could walk away. I hated the tense stand-off that was going on between us. 

"Rurik, stop. I hate this. I don't want us to be upset with each other. I have to go to work soon, and I don't want to drive in silence with you again. Taking Daniel to school this morning was so awkward. Please just talk to me." He just stared at me, clenching and unclenching his jaw.

I rolled my eyes and was about to walk past him when he stepped in front of me and said, "You're not going to work today. I decided that it would be better if you stayed home with me, so I spoke to my parents... You've been let go."

My jaw dropped and I slumped over breathlessly, like I'd been punched in the gut.

This has gone too far now.

He walked up behind me while I was still hunched over, trying to collect my thoughts. His hands gently caressed my waist, and I stood up abruptly and spun around.

"Rurik, don't fucking touch me like that right now," I spat angrily. "What is wrong with you?! We literally haven't spoken more than 20 words in 2 days because you threw my phone away, and I got pissed that you did that without consulting me. Now you're telling me that YOU decided—"

Before I could finish speaking, he grabbed my arm not gently and pulled me back towards the bed. I tried to pry myself away from him, but he was pure muscle. In a matter of seconds, he had sat down on the bed, used one arm to pull down my pants and underwear, and had me spread facedown across his lap. I could already feel his erection beginning to grow.

I jerked my body to try to free myself, which earned me a hard slap on my ass.

"Rurik, this is not—"

"Malia, I told you that I was going to spank you the next time you questioned the choices I made that were in the best interest of you and Daniel, did I not?" I gritted my teeth and tried to kick my legs to break away. I felt like a flailing toddler, throwing a tantrum.

"Now I'm going to spank you 20 times, and I want you to think about how it makes me feel when I'm trying to look out for you, and you make me feel like a monster. The first one was a warning because you were trying to get away, so I'm going to begin now, ok?"

I didn't even get a chance to protest before he slammed his hand down again. The smack seemed to reverberate throughout the room. I jumped at the sting and kicked my legs again. He spanked me again, but in a different spot. Then 3 times quickly, in the same spot.

He switched up the spot and the amount of spanks every time, so I had no idea when to expect him to strike again. I could feel his rock hard erection poking my stomach, and it only pissed me off even more.

The next spank was on my upper thigh, just below my ass, then my inner thighs a few times. He was not holding back at all. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip so I wouldn't cry. My ass was aching, but I think my heart was aching more.

He could call this whatever he wanted: protection, discipline, demanding respect and obedience. Whatever. All it did was make me angrier. And sad. And confused.

All these years I'd known him, and he'd always been so nice. So unassuming. He was tall and attractive and muscular, but I always saw him as being a gentle giant, like my dad. He was so good with Daniel and seemed to have even more patience with him than I did.

Where was this coming from?!

Had I really just pushed him too far?

My punishment finally ended, and he rubbed my ass soothingly. Gently. A couple months ago, I would have told anyone that Rurik's face should've been under "Gentle" in the dictionary.

He spoke gently, kissed me gently, touched me gently. I never would have believed that he had this whole other side, hiding just beneath his gentle exterior.

His hand was still rubbing my sore bottom, but he was slowly inching it downwards, creeping towards my vagina. He was out of his fucking mind, if he thought there was any chance I was wet after he had me fired from my job and then spanked me for being upset with him about it.

I tried to jerk away, but he easily held me down. His hand stopped probing for my pussy though, thankfully.

"Rurik, let me go. Now," I said calmly. He released me, and I quickly scrambled off his lap and tried to stand up, but I tripped over my pants  and underwear that were pulled down to my knees. He reached out and grabbed my waist before I could fall over, and I was about to be grateful when I realized his erection was free and poking my behind.

"Malia, you have such a beautiful ass. Did you know that?" He tightened his grip on my waist and moved closer to me. His erection was aimed at my asshole.

"Rurik, stop. We are not doing that. I need some space right now," I said in a tone that I hoped sounded assertive and confident.

"I know, baby. I already told you we wouldn't do that until I cleaned you out, remember? Would you like to see how I plan on doing that?" He asked sensually, now rubbing one of his hands around my sore ass while the other clutched my waist tightly. I quickly pulled my pants up and twisted myself away from him.

I backed away from him, taking shaky, shallow breaths. He stalked towards me like a predator about to devour his prey.

I'm about to have a panic attack.

"Rurik, you're acting exactly like Alessandro right now. You keep getting upset with me for unintentionally implying that you're acting like him, but look at yourself! What are you planning on doing right now? Are you going to try to fuck me against my will? Because that's exactly what Alessandro would do, and I will lose all respect for you if you take my choice away."

That finally stopped him in his tracks, and he immediately looked remorseful. His face crumpled and he sank onto the floor. He buried his face in his hands and cried loudly. I was still livid, but my heart broke a little, seeing such a giant, muscular man crying on the floor with his dick hanging out.

"I'm so sorry, Aria. And you're going to be even more upset with me, because I-I did something...else. I know I should've talked to you first, baby. I'm so, so sorry." My heart dropped as I waited for him to confess his latest offense.

"I...I canceled your lease. I was mad that you kept making me feel bad for trying to look out for you, and I called and canceled it. We have until the end of the month to move all your stuff out and go get your car... They already have a new lease signed for next month. I'm so, so sorry." I sank to the floor next to him, buried my head in my arms, and began sobbing.

We both just sat there crying for God knows how long. Both of us cried tears of remorse.

His remorse was for his overprotective, arguably irrational actions.

My remorse was for my stupidity.

I was so determined to maintain my independence and never be forced to rely on a man again. But now I had no job, no car, no apartment in a few days, and a shiny new phone with no contacts.

He had gently worked his way into my heart, gently gained my trust.

And then gently took away all of my freedom.

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