Episode 41: Mourn

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Dude, so I knocked this one out faster than I thought I could. Probably...four hours total? Rock on, bro. It helped that this one isn't that long. 11 pages on word, but that's for a reason. I needed to end it here.

The song up there does not match the entire chapter, only a certain part with Kit.

Also, some warnings? This chapter is a fight scene. There is some gore and action so if you're sensitive to that kind of thing be wary. Another thing? This chapter jumps around a lot because I had to show different aspects to different things happening.

So, lemme know what you think please (like PLEASE.)!


"They're gonna be here soon, and by soon I mean-"

Wynn lifted her focused gaze to glare at the archangel hovering over her, "Gabe, if you don't shut the fuck up right now I'm gonna shove my blade down your throat."

Gabriel lifted his hands in mock defeat and took a step back. She lowered her glare and continued to paint sigils on the floor of her cell with her own blood. With each stroke of red on the ground a new symbol tattooed on her arm lit up bright blue. She was seconding guessing herself with each line she drew as well. This was the best option for the people here at the prison, but it was going to leave Kit blind and a part of her couldn't handle that. She didn't want to take what grace he had left, but she had a job to do.

"I need your blood now." She sighed and stood. Gabriel stepped forward again and brought out his angel blade. He hesitated for a brief moment and Wynn couldn't help but wonder why. She had known the archangel for a long time, and hesitating in situations like this wasn't in his nature. Gabriel chuckled and sliced his palm open against his blade.

"Let's get this over with, hmm?" He said in a serious tone before squeezing his hand closed. Wynn kept her gaze on him as the blood dripped to the floor landing on the sigils. She nodded and began to speak in Enochian. This was an old spell that she knew strictly for emergencies. In fact, she's never even had to use it before. Each word made her arm glow brighter and brighter. It would take every drop of grace from Kit and Gabriel and channel it into herself so she could guard the prison. As the last word left her mouth an explosion of light filled the cell along with a cry of pain.

When the light faded, she finally felt like herself. The way she had felt before the gates of heaven had shut. Her eyes focused on Gabriel then who was kneeling on the ground shaking.

"Gabe?" She fell to the ground in front of him. Wynn cupped his face and forced him to look up at her. His skin was pale, he was shaking, and dark bags hung under his eyes. "Gabe?"

He let out a grunt of pain and slowly reached up to hold his shoulder. Wynn lifted him easily and brought him over to lie on her cot. Gabriel groaned, but a round of coughing that left blood on his lips cut off the sound of pain, "I screwed up, Wynn."


"My shoulder, Wynn. My shoulder."


Daryl was back. Martinez was here. You and the rescue group were not. Rick clenched his jaw and continued to reload his weapon. There was going to be a firefight, there was going to be death, but Rick was determined to keep all deaths on the other side of this battle. He wouldn't lose his group. He wouldn't let them down.


"Not now, Shane." Rick snapped and moved to leave. An arm pulled him back and he glared at the perpetrator, "What?"

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