Chapter 27: "I need a break"

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-“Good morning my love” She pecked my lips

-“Good morning baby, why aren’t you at work?”

-“I called in sick”

-“Baby, I don’t want you to miss work because of me”

-“It’s okay Em” she caressed my cheek.

She got up and brought me ice for my face. Everything was hurting and I felt like I couldn’t move.

-“You are going to be okay baby” She took my hand into hers and I looked at her. “You will, soon” She reassured me and I gave her a small nod.

I was in so much pain, and I felt so ashamed and weak. I hate it when people see me like this and I hate that I’m not independent. All because of this monster I have to call dad. I wish I didn’t have a dad, I’d rather not have one, than have one that hurts me. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and she pulled me into a hug.

-“I hate him” I choked out. “I hate him so much I…I wish he was dead”

-“I know baby, I know” I sobbed on her shoulder.

-“I hate that you have to see me like this Alex. So weak and helpless”

-“Don’t be stupid, you are not weak and helpless Emma, and even if you were, I wouldn’t mind, I love you, all of you. I love you when you are happy, I love you when you are sad or mad, or vulnerable. I love every single part of you.” She pulled away and tears were rolling down her cheeks too, I pulled her back into a hug.

We remained hugged until we had both calmed down.

-“I’m sorry”

-“What are you apologizing for?”

-“Everything” She shook her head.

-“I’ll go, cook, I love you babe”

-“I love you too” She went into the kitchen

A lot of time had passed and she was still cooking. I slowly moved to the side of the bed, to get up. I had to use the bathroom, plus I couldn’t lie down any longer. I slowly walked to the bathroom, everything was hurting. I looked in the mirror and gasped. There were marks on my neck and half my face was bruised. I fixed my hair and went into the kitchen.

-“Babe, what are you doing up?”

-“I had to move, what are you making?”

-“Pasta” She smiled

-“Come on, say it in Italian, you know I love your accent” She blushed.

-“Fettuccine ai funghi porcini, chiodini e burrata” She said shyly and I smiled. Her accent was adorable, and hot.

-“You are so cute” I walked over to her and pecked her lips. I sat on one of the chairs and watched her cook.

She placed a plate in front of me and we started eating.

-“Oh my god, that’s delicious” I exclaimed

-“Thank you, I made the pasta.”

-“You what?”

-“I made the pasta and then cooked them”

-“How is that even possible? You are amazing” She smiled.

-“My mum taught me to. I don’t do it often though because it takes some time and I’m usually in a rush”

She didn’t leave my side for the entire weekend.

On Sunday I had a nightmare about my dad and ended up waking both of us up. I decided to go to school on Monday, even though, I was still struggling, and I had barely slept all night. She helped me cover the marks and the bruises with makeup and I wore a long-sleeved top and jeans.

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