Chapter 11: "Merry Christmas Ms. Miller"

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It was now Thursday and we had five days until the school closed for the Christmas holidays. I was excited to take a break but I hated that I would be stuck at home with my parents, plus I wouldn’t be able to see Ms. Miller for this whole time. I just hope my friends don’t have any plans on going away so I can hang out with them.

During algebra I let my eyes wander on Ms. Miller, she was wearing beige relaxed-fit jeans with a white sweater and a matching beige coat, her hair was up into a messy bun and she seemed happier, our eyes locked and she smiled at me. The bell rang and I went to find my friends.

-“Hey Ems” Rachel said as I approached them.

-“Hey guys, what are your plans for Christmas”

-“My parents are going to my aunt’s house, but I think I’ll stay here. I don’t feel like going, plus I have soccer practice and I don’t want to miss it.” Marcus said

-“My parents were thinking of booking a vacation, but with the prices going up we can’t afford it right now, so I’m staying here as well. I assume you don’t have any plans right?”

-“Maybe my parents can choke each other with the garlands, or start throwing Christmas ornaments at each other, for a changed” We all laughed. All I could do was laugh at this fucked up situation.

The rest of the days were filled with tests and the teachers assigned a shit-tone of homework for the holidays.

Marcus announced his parents that he’s not going with them and they were okay with it, they even decided to leave earlier, leaving him alone at their house. Since his parents weren’t at home and mine were, he invited me to stay over for as long as I want to and I did, I went to his house on Friday and we helped each other study for the test we had on Monday and Tuesday.

Being able to leave my house and spend time with him has been a relief, he is a great guy and he makes me laugh. I told him more about my crash on Ms. Miller, but I refrained for mentioning about that night. He was super supportive and cute and he told me about this guy he has been seeing.

Monday was a tough day, we had a test in English and another one in physics. I’m sure I did well on both of them. Rachel however was sure that she failed her English test and complained the whole day about not being invited to our study session.

On Tuesday I had an algebra and a History test. I nailed history and I think I did pretty good on the other one. When the bell rang I stayed behind to talk to Ms. Miller.

-“Emma, is everything alright?”

-“Yes, I just wanted to talk to you… about my test” I didn’t want to sound creepy, I didn’t really care about my test, I just wanted to know how she’s doing.

-“Oh, the test, right, let me find it” She searched through a pile of corrected papers and pulled it out, she looked at it and smiled. “You did great Emma” She passed it to me and sure enough I had gotten an A.

-“Oh cool” I shrugged. “So, how have you been?”

-“I’m doing better, thank you for asking”

-“Any plans for Christmas?”

-“Not really, my parents will be away on a trip, so I’ll have to spend them alone” She shrugged “You?”

-“Nope, I don’t think my parents will want us to celebrate Christmas this year.”

-“Looks like we’ll both have a great time” She said sarcastically

-“It could be worse”

-“Like what?”

-“I don’t know about you, but my friends are staying here during the holidays, so I won’t be completely alone”

I'm sorry Ms. MillerWhere stories live. Discover now