Chapter 9

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Andaylnn could hear her alarm going off in the distance she had wished that monday never came although sadly her wish had not been granted, she got out of and groggily walked to the shower feeling the warm sting on her cold bare skin felt good on a cloudy monday morning. the world was loud was oonce again after being quiet for the past two days. Andaylnn gently reminded her self that she had work on top of school although it was hard she was going to try and get through the day as best as she could feeling herself fall deeper into the overwelming abyss of sadness. It was to hard for her to apprehend why she wouldn't see Stacy and she would have to eat lunch by herself at the same table with the same friends that her and Stacy onced shared sliding the shower door to right so she could be free to the world. Carefully putting on her clothes and brushing her hair she tried to rember the night beofre with her boyfriend and her family. As she was brushing her hair, Her mother came in.
"Hey I realize today will be hard if you need to come home and take a breather You are more then welcome to do so"
"thank you mom"
"you are a strong stubborn young lady Andaylnn, Stacy is cheering you on through heaven rember that." with that she shut the door and everyone else got ready to start work and start off their week.Andaylnn shut the door to the house and locked it. The school didn't feel the same. It was deppresing it was hard enough without all the teachers talking about it some kids even looked at Andaylnn apolgeticly. She just wanted her friend back she didn't want pity.
Lance waved her over suddly. Lance pulled Andaylnn for a hug. I cannot belive she is gone Andaylnn said to Lance with tears in her eyes. Lance took her face in her hands and said "You have to Stacy dose not want you to be sad but to be strong and resliant you owe her that much"
"Okay, Lance?"
"will you sit with me at lunch"
"thank you"

With that the two split up to go to classes she was walking to her second hour when she noticed Stacy's brother standing by hia locker acting very quiet he must be in shock. she thought. he was scurring  through papers to get to his next class she wanted to go up to him and say how sorry she was but her confidence was not there to do it she felt defeated and hurt. Not today she thought. the class started just like first hour there was talk about not feeling safe and that help was avabile and how to get help if they needed it. The more she distracted herself by fidgeting and going over previous evnts of the weekend. she knew that if she let her emotions consume her she would drown and not be able to function for the rest of the day. So  Instead she sat and took notes and listend. Then the teachers phine rang and quickly scanned the room with her eyes. Finally her eyes landed on Andaylnn.
"Andaylnn they need you in the admistritive office."  Andaylnn quickly got up and gatherd her papers and penicl while swining her bag over her shoulder. Andaylnn tried to focus on the notes she had just took for geometry however, the halls were to quiet and she began to have flash backs of when stacy and her were friends. Touching the cold hard steel handle of the conslers door she took a deep breath and opend the door. Noticing right away that there was a police officer in the room. While the consler had her hair in a tight bun and a blue shirt with a brown leather Jacket.  While the officer started off  the conversation first.
"Hello Andaylnn I am police officer Jacobs I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me"
"yes sir" Andaylnn said confidently
"Where were you the day the muder was comitted I was at school, Stacy sent me a email That sent a shiver down my spine"
"what did the text say?"
Andaylnn pulled out her phone and showed him the text.
"do you have proof that you are where you say  you were?"
the consler pulled up Andaylnns attendance.
"It says here that she was present for all of the day"
"Do you know any of her enemies or anyone that would of had a motive to kill her?"
"no sir However I went running and I take this route all the time and I never noticed a car there upon further inspection I notcied that  the hood was unlocked thinking some one was in troubled I opend it and there was all of Stacy's things, Her notebooks her school Jacket. then I saw in the back seat there was a small lump under a rug and that is when I saw drugs"
"Drugs? What kind of Drugs?"
"Ectasy or something"
"On what road?"
"wellthank you for your consideration"

When she got out of the office there was a group of people starring at her quickly diverting her eyesshe stared down at the floor. The day was going by horribly slow many people standing and wispering, Andaylnn had to walk by Stacy's locker and she noticed their were flowers and kind notes on her locker which just made it just more real. Although the overwelming sting of  loss had still yet to subside.Thank goodness for third hour she thought where her and Lance could sit and talk while they did course work and everything else.  All day the teacher would get calls to send certain students down to the office for questioning. the same routine with all the teachers scanning their rooms for the specific students needed. The class would be quiet afraid they will be next for questioning. the day was soon over, Andaylnn was so glad she ran to the front where hopefully Lance would follow. Lance grabbed her hand who is ready for answers?

Hey everyone I hope you are enjoying the book I am loving this whole piece and with it being my first murder mystery, I would love to hear your thoughts.

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