chapter 5

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Hello you two she sighed, Getting a granola bar and water from the fridge.
"Hey sis"
"Hey" she worked around.
Troy started his sentence "that girl that was killed did you know her?"
Andaylnn looked at him in disbelief "are you serious."
"She was my best friend Troy and now she's gone!"
After she went to her room, and began to think.
How could someone kill Stacey she was sweet except when you make her mad and upset. She thought back to the list that was in a shoe box with all the people they had currently had arguments with. Andaylnn bolted off her bed and toward her closet door Just as soon as she reached through the door. Her phone began to buzz a unknown number flashed over her screen.

Hello Andaylnn" the spooked voice said
"Did you enjoy your run today"
"How did You know that I ran?"
Those leggings you had on were mesmerizing"
" leave me alone or I call the cops how did you even get my number?"
"A certain someone" the voice began to crackle and snicker.

Then the line went dead. She fell to the floor this was to much to fast how could her friend have died and how could she have acquired a stalker in the same weekend.
Looking at the list she resumed her work. June from home Ed? No June had really mellowed out. Max from geometry? Almost checks out he was a hunter and was a good shot when it came to gathering. The news never disclosed how she was killed maybe she was shot, max had a number of guns. Wait a minute I don't have any proof how could anyone prove that plus she and him haven't talked for like three months. She felt the familiar buzz of the phone in her back pocket. Her heart sank when another unknown number popped up on her screen.
"Hello" Andaylnn said a bit firmly
It was Lance the relief she felt as she heard the friendly voice over the phone
"Hey it was great getting to see you today"
"Yeah it was good seeing you too"
"Do you have work today?"
"Nope may I ask why?
"Just curious do you want to go for a walk and possibly dinner?"
"Sure what time"

She hung up the phone and let a short little smile fall from her lips. As for figuring out who killed Stacy she had no lead yet only one unknown number and one a list of people who would have a feud with her. Plopping on her bed out of pure frustration she had given up for a days work. Making a plan to talk to everyone on that list she looked at the people on the list. She looked at the first name June hangouts by the auditorium doors at passing and before school! Bam my first lead. She thought. Andaylnn looked at the time four thirty it read she still had two hours till the meet up with Lance. I have a little bit of time she thought. Getting out a journal to document what everyone allibys will be and what documents will be. Andaylynn looked at the time five o'clock I should get in the shower she reminded herself. The water beat down on her back in a warm comforting sort of way. She heard her parents come in the door and Troy in the living room.

She got out of the shower standing in front of her closet with nothing but a towel lookng at all the outfit choices she couldn't decide between a pair of baggy comfortable clothes or a casual night out outfit. She looked at her bleak wardrobe with a non amused expression on her face.  A pair of blue pair of ripped jeans and a black long sleeve shirt perfect I think this is casual enough.  Soon enough she got a text what's your address is read under Lance's name west 235 second street. She texted back. There was a nock at the  door.
   "Come in"
Here came in Bailey with a white top and jeans.
"Hey Andaylnn where are you going"
" I'm going to meet up with a friend "
"Mom and dad are home" Bailey said Bleakly.
"Okay thank you for letting me know.

With that Bailey closed the door and Andaylnn resumed getting ready for her meet up with Lance her stomach felt full of butterflies and she was amazed. Her mind started to race again but in a more positive way.  It had been at least six months that she had been on date with a boy who had moved away since. Andaylnn pulled out a make up bag out of her bed side table looking at all the make up and eye shadow pallets she decided on a dark eye shadow pallet and a cross on red lip stick. When she got a text.Lance was here.

Merry Christmas everyone!! Stay tuned!❤️

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