chapter 7

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As soon as Andaylynn walked throught the door she was met by Troy who stood in the kitchen leaning on the sink with a beer in his hand  they made eye contact for a brief second.
"Your finally home" Troy broke the silence.
" I was not out that late"
"How was your date"
" It was good he took me to a formal resturant not like the diner but a five star quality kind of resturant"
"whats his name" Looking directly at her
"Lance Bickerd"

she heard footsteps up stairs then a door shut. Her and troy looked at each other and soon enough Bailey came down the stairs with a little smirk on her face like she knew something the both of them don't.
"Oooo Anna's got a boyfriend"
"Bailey!" Andalynn snapped
"Its okay I am just teasing"
Troy put his now empty beer bottle in the trash and staggeringly walked over to his room.
"it is getting late" Andaylynn stated she then headed upstairs
"i am going to stay down here for a while"
"sounds good"

Andaylynn walked up to her room and her casual outfit was replaced with a two extra large graphic t-shirt. her Hair was kept down and just as a precaution she made sure her window was locked. feeling the calm coolness of the sheets she flipped the blankets back and shut off her room lights
then drifted off.  It was not long until she saw herself on a long black road in the middle of nowhere she reached for her back pocket only to realize that she had no phone. the road was long the sky was a plain white and there were long pine trees  growing up over the road.
when all of a sudden a silver car that looked like stacys was driving down the road she tried to run but the next thing she knew she was in the car and it had a awful stench almost like silver thats when she saw what looked like a duffel bag with what looked like blood seeping out. stacys backpack was there and a shirt as well. Andaylnn woke up she was scared Troy ran in her room with a bat.
It was just a dream Im so sorry.
"Its okay sis do you want to talk about it?"
"not really"
she then tried her very best to go back to sleep how ever she couldn't. so then she deiced to very carfully go down stairs so she could whatch some televison, when a very funny cartoon perfect Andaylnn thought.Before she knew it she was asleep in no time and that is when She was met by the smell of coffee and a cramped neck.

It was sunday so all of the family except Troy was at church.troy was brewing coffee and making breakfast.Andaylnn got up and stretched trying to get a cramp out of her neck. The sun was shining through and there was not a cloud in sight.
"Hey Troy"
"Whats up he called from the kitchen.
"I have a lot on my mind I am going for a run"
"Alright just be back befor Mom and Dad and your sister gets back."
she ran upstair and changed into a black spandex leggings and a pink cropped tank top quickly brushing her hair and putting in in a high ponytail and putting on a pair of running shoes the air felt cool and calm but not damp putting on some music she began to run she felt free from her promblems of missing stacy she wonderd if stacy was up in heaven or her spirit was still somewhere on this earth looking for her killer wondering if she could ever find him or her or even if she was running righ beside Andaylnn feelin the wind in her hair and the music in her ears made her heart beat fast and put the arndaline in her veins. When she took a turn down a side street when she was greeted by Lance.
"hey" He said cheerfully
"Hey do you live here"
"looks like it"
"huh how intersting"
"what are you doing out here Andaylnn" Lance asked Intreguinly.
"going for a run"
"well good luck with that"
"thank you"
with that Lance went in his house and Andaylnn ran towards the bike trails in the forest when she ended up by a dirt road when all of a sudden the setting began to look famillar her instinct told her to run but she did not listen she ran deeper into the forest she needed to know if her dream was real!
her heart sank when she saw the silver volkswagon knowing that her dream was true it was stacys car, Andaylnns curosity got the best of her she open the trunk to reveal stacys school bag and a t-shirt she used during baseball practice. Suddenly she got the feeling she was being whatched Taking a picture she ran towards the open road her heart beating faster then before.

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