Spy Quest: Defeating Zin

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"You guys stay back. I'm gonna get your father." Race says as he runs off into a room and begins fighting drones.

"Hadji, Alexis we have to shut down the Q Sphere. Can you handle the crane Hadji?" Jonny asks as the group goes toward the crane.

"Yes I am quite good at lifting things. Ready when you are Jonny." Hadji says as he and Alexis go toward the control as Jonny gets into a harness.

"Ready. Ready as I'll ever be." Jonny says.

"Be careful Jonny." Alexis says.

"I will. You guys stand guard okay?" Jonny asks as he looks at Dulce, Tom, and Jerry before beginning to make his way to the Q Sphere.

"Looking good Jonny. You're almost there." Hadji says on the speaker as Bandit then barks into it.

"I can't watch." Alexis says nervously as she closes her eyes.


"Hadji." Jonny says nervously as a robot cat fires lasers at him.

"I am on it." Hadji says as he tries to keep Jonny away from the robot cat as Tom begins fighting with the other robots.

"You're going the wrong way." Alexis says as Tom flies past her and Hadji before the robot cats begin shooting at the crane where Alexis, Hadji, and Bandit are.

"Bandit, Alexis no!" Hadji shouts as he sees Alexis in wolf form growling with Bandit and he pulls them away from the glass.

"Look out Alexis, Hadji!" Jonny shouts as Alexis and Hadji are taking cover from the lasers.

"Jonny look out!" Hadji shouts as the crane falls.

"No!" Alexis shouts fearfully as she sees Jonny slipping down below before he falls as the glass then breaks.

"You take the kids... I get the dog." A robot cat says before Tom flies into them with Jonny and Jerry before Tom, Jerry, and Jonny fall next to Alexis, Dulce, Bandit, and Hadji.

"Well well. This little reunion will make it easier to take care of you all in one fell swoop. Cut them down to size boys." One of the robot cats says as they talk among themselves. Bandit then barks scaring Tom as he then gives the others a chance to get away.

"Come on Hadji, Alexis. Now is our chance." Jonny says as the group jumps to safety.


"Dad." Jonny says as the group follows tom to the room where Zin and Dr. Quest are.

"Dr. Quest." Hadji says as he, Alexis, and Jonny run over and hug Dr. Quest.

"Jonny, Alexis, Hadji." Dr. Quest says happily.

"Your magnificent cat may have won this battle but even without the sphere this island has enough energy to reach the coast and crash. Happy landing Dr. Quest." Zin says as he laughs and then leaves.

"Dad, Tom and Jerry know where the skimmer is. We can use that to escape." Jonny says as the island is descending faster.

"Good thinking. But we can't take a chance on this island hitting the capital." Dr. Quest says as he begins messing with his watch.

"What are you doing?" Hadji asks.

"I knew someday I might fall into enemy hands. So I created a fail-safe missile that homes in on my watch to prevent my work from being used for evil. It's activated. Let's get out of here." Dr. Quest says as he places his watch on the controls before the group begins running.


"We're cut off." Alexis says in alarm as the path gets blocked.

"Maybe there's a way we can go around." Race says as he looks at Dr. Quest.

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