Meeting Jonny and Hadji

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"Oh come on dear. It's not that much farther." Eclipsa says as she is walking with Alexis.

"Aunt Eclipsa why can't we just live in the woods? I don't want to live near humans. They aren't anymore accepting of me then my own kind anyway." Alexis says grumpily.

"Alexis don't be like that. Besides I am a biomolecular scientist. We can have a good life with humans. They are not so bad once you get to meet them." Eclipsa says as Alexis stops.

"Says you. You lived with humans for the majority of my puppy hood with my mom and dad. I don't see how living with them is going to be any better. I want to go home." Alexis says as Eclipsa looks at her sympathetically before going over to her.

"Alexis listen to me. I know you're upset because of your mother and pack. As am I. But I promised my sister and your mother I would protect and look after you at all costs. I know you are not fond of humans because you haven't been around them like I have but I think it will be safer. Please dear just give it a chance. For me?" Eclipsa asks as Alexis looks at the ground.

"Where are we even going anyway?" Alexis asks stubbornly.

"Well take a look for yourself." Eclipsa says as Alexis sees they are in a extremely large and very beautiful meadow like area.

"Wow. It's beautiful. But I thought we were going to live with humans?" Alexis asks as she smiles causing Eclipsa to smile.

"We will be. Thanks to my knowledge and job as a biomolecular scientist I got a friend to help me in building us a animal sanctuary. You did always have a soft spot for animals and I figured that could help me further my research in their genetics. This way we're still in nature and we're safe." Eclipsa says happily.

"I still don't know.." Alexis says as she looks down.

"You'll get your own room and own space in our new home that's all yours." Eclipsa says as Alexis looks at her.

"I don't really got much choice in this do I?" Alexis asks.

"Nope." Eclipsa says bluntly before Alexis sighs.

"Alright fine. I guess I'll give it a chance." Alexis says in defeat.

"You'll love it dear. You'll see." Eclipsa says.

*6 Years Later*

"Okay. About time for me to go on. Ray is about to cue me on." Alexis says as she is standing behind the curtains with her lioness Dulce.

"Give it up for the jewel of paradise here at the sanctuary. The goddess like girl. The wanderous Alexis!" Ray says from the other side of the curtains.

"That's my cue. Wish me luck girl." Alexis says as she goes out on the stage as the crowd cheers before immediately seeing a blonde haired boy with a dark skinned boy in the crowd as she the smiles at them.

*Song being played is Wanda's Song from The Queen's Corgi*

Alexis Singing

I'm the type of gal that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place
I roam from town to town

Hey there cutie( Alexis looks at Jonny during this moment causing him to blush slightly)

And when I found myself falling for some guy
Yeah I hopped right into that car of mine and I drive around the road

They call me the wanderer
Yeah I'm the wanderer
I roam around around around

I kiss them and love them cause to me they're all the same
Except you big boy that is

I hug them and I squeeze and they don't even know my name

They call me the wanderer
Yeah I am the wanderer

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