Spy Quest: Rescue Plan

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"How close are we Hadji?" Jonny asks as he is flying the jet.

"We're just off the coast of Moldovistan. The signal is coming from one of the islands." Hadji says as he is looking at a computer.

"We have company Jonny. Robot drone missiles." Alexis says as she looks out the window.

"I'll shake them off. Done it a million times." Jonny says as Alexis and Hadji look at him.

"You have?" Hadji asks curiously.

"In the Quest simulator." Jonny says.

"Simulator!?" Alexis asks in alarm.

"Hold tight! Hadji get ready to hit the thrusters. A little farther." Jonny says as he then starts going towards the ground.

"I am not certain there is any farther left." Hadji says as Jonny keeps going towards the ground.

"Jonny!" Alexis shouts in alarm as they are getting closer to the ground.

"Warning. Warning. Collision imminent. Impact unavoidable." The computer says.

"Now!" Jonny says as Hadji pulls the handle on the thrusters.

"Pull up Jonny! Pull up! Pull up!" Alexis shouts as Jonny narrowly misses a river.

"Collision avoided." The computer says before the group hear things landing on the jet outside.

"I don't like the sound of that." Alexis says.

"Hang on guys!" Jonny shouts as he tries to shake the metal cutters off but is unable to as they continue to cut through the jet.

"Abandon ship?" Hadji asks.

"Good idea." Jonny says as he and Hadji quickly get into parachutes and jump while Hadji holds Bandit as Alexis flies out on Dulce's back. While falling Jonny then sees Tom and Jerry falling.

"Hang on guys!" Jonny shouts as he catches Tom while Alexis catches Jerry.

"Don't worry. We got you." Alexis says as Jerry smiles at her.

"Not so tight Tom. I can't reach the rip cord." Jonny says as Alexis gestures for Dulce to fly to Jonny.

"I got it." Alexis says as she pulls the cord allowing Jonny's chute to come out as Hadji pulls his cord

"Thanks." Jonny says as Alexis smiles.

"You've saved my life a good handful of times over our adventures. So I make it my job to watch out for you two." Alexis says happily.

"I'm grateful for that." Hadji says as Alexis smiles at him.

"Race is gonna go through the roof." Jonny says as the group watches the jet crash and explode in the distance.

"Look on the bright side now you do not have to land it." Hadji says as the group lands on the ground.

"Where are we?" Alexis asks.

"Hey there's the answer. Moldovistan. We actually made it. Let's head for the city." Jonny says as he sees a sign before the group begins to make their way to the city.


"The tracker says the Q Sphere is still on the island." Jonny says as he looks at a tracker while the group is walking through town.

"How do we get there? We have no money." Hadji asks as Jonny looks at him.

"Don't worry. We have an old friend who lives here." Jonny says unworriedly.

"Which way Jonny?" Alexis asks.

"I don't know. Last time I was here I was just a kid." Jonny says before some men with swords begin to come towards the group before Alexis, Jonny, and Bandit try to run only to get cornered.

"The noose tightens." A man holding a gun says before a man goes to try and pick Bandit up.

"I wouldn't touch him if I was you." Alexis says.

"And why not?" The man asks as he picks bandit up only for an angry Dulce to tackle him away from Bandit as tom throws a snack at the men.

"That would be why. Now's our chance. Let's go." Alexis says as the group takes off running only to run into a dead end.

"I have an idea. Everybody up." Hadji says as he uses his flute to make a way up the wall as everybody climbs it and goes towards a door.

"It's locked." Jonny says as he tries to open the door.

"Jonny we do not have much time." Alexis says in alarm as she sees the men coming towards them.

"My my looked what the cat dragged in." Jade says as she opens the door.

"Jezebel Jade?" Hadji asks.

"Just the person we've been looking for." Jonny says as he smiles.

"But Jonny isn't she a mercenary who works for the highest bidder?" Alexis asks worriedly.

"Let's debate morality later. Inside. Now. Better get downstairs." Jade says as everyone goes inside before she closes the door and locks it.

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