Spy Quest: Meeting Tom and Jerry

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"Where did Bandit and Dulce get off to?" Jonny asks as he, Alexis, and Hadji are walking on a beach.

"There they are." Alexis says as she sees Bandit and Dulce with a mouse and a cat that is covered in coconuts.

"Hey I'm sorry. He didn't mean any harm." Jonny says as the group goes over.

"It would seem that Bandit is not a big fan of cats." Hadji says as he smiles while Alexis pets Dulce.

"Cats that are not Dulce anyway. But they're protective of each other so usually where one is the other is not far behind." Alexis says as Dulce roars happily while Bandit growls at the cat.

"Come on Bandit. It's getting late. We have to get back to Quest Key with the supplies." Jonny says as Bandit starts barking while Dulce starts growling as the group sees robots flying in the sky.

"What are those?" Hadji asks as Jonny looks at the robots through some binoculars.

"Hold on. Jeepers let's get out of here." Jonny says as the robots start shooting lasers before the group begins running.

"What are they after?" Hadji asks as the group hides behind a rock.

"After us from the looks of it." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form growling before Bandit barks causing the cat to go up towards the robots.

"Amazing!" Hadji says as the cat then defeats the three robots.

"Come on we gotta get back to the hydrofoil!" Jonny shouts as the group takes off running.

"Hey wait up!" Alexis shouts as the cat runs past them screaming with the mouse holding onto him. The group then stops as they get corned by the robots.

"Boat flares?" Alexis asks as she sees Jonny pull a flare gun out of his backpack.

"They don't know that Alexis." Jonny says.

"I do not think they care." Hadji says in alarm as the robots get closer before Jonny fires a flare at one only for it to bounce off and explode in the sky.

"Well that didn't work." Jonny says before one of the cats gets hit by a flying hovercraft.

"Race." Alexis says happily as she sees it is Race.

"Quick kids. Get on!" Race shouts.

"You might wanna help your buddy." Hadji says as he looks at the two other robots.

"We would stay but our ride is here." Alexis says as the group run and get on the hovercraft.

"Who are these animals?" Race asks as he sees Jonny helping the cat on board while Alexis picks up the mouse and places him beside her.

"They helped us Race. Have you two ever been in a chase before?" Jonny asks as the cat and mouse look at each other.

"Well then hang on!" Alexis says as the group takes off with the robots following them. The mouse soon opens a lunch pale before Hadji and Jonny start throwing fruit.

"Excellent throw Jonny." Alexis says as she sees Jonny hit one of the robots before she fires a ice ball at one robot knocking it into the ocean.

"Nice hit Alexis." Jonny says as Alexis smiles.

"Practicing with you two certainly helps." Alexis says proudly before the group sees the cat take out two robots as the group then begins to head to safety.

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