Now You See Why

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(Tristan's blazer for the ball)


While confused with these sudden feelings for this brown haired girl who claims to be Maha, Tristan's and my dog, she explained very thoroughly who and what she was and the truth about Tristan.

Tristan. Dammit I miss him, but..... I don't feel too worried about him like I did at first. Maha told me that after I ripped her coll- bracelet off of her hand, the sudden feeling that she said I felt was the mating bond between us. She started crying but told me not to console her, she said that I wasn't supposed to because it was be Etty strange that a human was able to feel it and not another werewolf.

Mind you, I on know that supernatural business from TV shows and movies, but never would I have thought in ALL of my years would that kind of stuff actually exist in real life.

But after my infinity-something time of 21 questions about everything, I came to realize of what's Tristan's situation, we have to save him, and..... I'd need to tell him how I...... don't love him anymore. God what is wrong with me?

I sat down on a tree stump after tiring myself over everything, my heart felt heavy over the two I'm torn between. By then I could feel tears going down my cheeks, but I was only lightly sobbing. Maha noticed and tried to be the consoler, but I could tell she was battling with a lot more on the inside when she stopped a feet away from me.

Her hands were shaking as she brought them up and rested them on my shoulders, and with that I pulled her to me in a tight embrace while burying my face in her neck. Then came that warm feeling and bright glow again. I wanted to pull away, but it felt like a calling coming from it.

"Cole, this isn't right. Think about Tristan," Maha said. I don't care how wrong this is. It felt so right.

Tristan,....... I'm sorry.

-Preparing for tonight's ball-

While changing clothes for a second time this afternoon, I made sure to go to the room where Mrs. Loren and Erylis had me in yesterday. After my shower this morning I didn't wanna be watched again and then have him patch onto me out of nowhere. I was straightening my shirt and hair when a knock on the door came, I quickly swept my small fringe to the left a little before answering.

When I did answer I immediately wished I didn't, because stalking their way in was Mr. Loren himself and Jairus's brother, Stellan. Fear turned into a lump in my throat that was hard to swallow as they started circling around for a few minutes. When they stopped, Mr. Loren was the first to speak, "Well my, my. We surely are fancied up a bit for tonight,..... peasant."

"Hmm, at least this peasant has some sense of fashion now, father. I say Mr. Dearborn, from where did you get your top?" Stellan asked with a smirk.

I remained silent a bit before seeing a raised brow on Mr. Loren who leaned close for my answer. "To be honest it was Jairus who provided this blazer. He said it was one his that he didn't wear any more, so he gave it to me. I told him I was fine with my own-" I was cut off as I was slapped by none other than Mr. Loren himself. I didn't cry though, because I'm used to it. I landed well on one hand for support while I firmly held the other on my right cheek. That slap hurt like a bitch.

Stellan laughed while his father knelt down and squeezed my chin to make me look up at him. He squeezed my chin a little tighter before speaking again. "I've told you before not to insult my family, especially my son who'll be a king. Yet you still mock him and tend to sully his name. I don't get you, Tristan. I really can't see why and how my son does either. You are NOTHING. You were born from NOTHING. You were born to NOTHING. So as soon as I get the competitions started with finding adore suitable mate for my son, and once they are crowned, I'll be more than glad to have you out of here."

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