Chapter 19 (For real lol)

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Guuuys I love you so much! Thank you so much for 10K. You have no clue how much this means to me. I appreciate it because I put so much effort into this story. I've never done this good on a story before and I'm just so amazed.


*New Year's Eve*

Shaylee's POV

"Kimberly Mason." A nurse calls. Kimberley takes a shaky breath and takes a hold of Michael's hand. He rubs her shoulder and kisses her forehead. I see him whisper something in her ear and then a smile appear on her face.

They reminded me of Calum and I when we went to our first appointment together. I was so nervous. It's odd but, I remember every thought that went through my head.

I was so scared that there would be something wrong with the baby or the doctors would judge me because I'm so young.

I can't believe that was just 6 months ago.

Flash Back

My hands remain connected with Calum's as a nurse calls my name. "Shaylee Hemmings?" I get up, taking Calum with me. The nurse smiles at me as she guides us to our room.

"Alright just lay on the bed Ms. Hemmings. Dr. Stevens will be in a few minutes." She smiles and walks out of the room.

I take a deep breath. I was so nervous to see the baby. I've never seen an ultrasound before. I never thought the first one I would see would be my own.

My fingers tap on the bed. I feel fingers intertwine with mine again. "Are you excited?" Calum asks me. I nod my head.

"Yeah, I'm just really nervous too." I tell him, "Mixed emotions."

"I'm kinda scared actually." He tells me, "What if I'm not here when you go into labor Shay? I'll feel terrible."

"It'll be okay Cal." No it won't, "Don't get nervous about it yet. We don't even know how far along I am yet or when the baby will be due."

He opened his mouth to say something but before he could say anything the door opened.

A red haired woman walks in, followed by a blonde haired boy. "Hi, I'm Dr. Stevens." She smiles, "This young man claims he's your brother, Ms. Hemmings."

I sigh,"How the hell did he know I came here."

"Yeah, he's my brother alright." I frown and look to Luke, "How'd you hunt us down?"

He smirked, "I don't think you know how sneaky your big brother could be sometimes," he laughed, "the wonderful thing called eaves dropping is amazing."

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