Part 10

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October 17th
Abigail's POV
It was about 1:30 and we (me and Maya) were just leaving the house to meet the girlies for mini golf and lunch and let me tell you Maya was over the moon when I told her the plans this morning she was straight up out of her seat at the table and wanting to get ready, I always let her pick what she wants to wear so she has that bit of independence and she wanted to wear her black cycling shorts and a big white shirt and she picked her cute little air force ones to wear as well (kid has style, she must get it from her aunty) I opted to go for some beige baggy cargos and a white body suit with a thick checked green white and black jacket and of course I had to match Maya with my white air force ones.

(Skip the car journey)
We made it to the mini golf place and we arranged to meet outside and all go in together but I'm once again first here which I'm not surprised at because I hate being late so I'm always early. About 10 minutes later all the girls had arrived except Ella and Alessia which again did not surprise me, "the girls have 3 minutes before they are officially late" I joke
"Can't even say I'm surprised" Millie joked
"Oh oh oh her they come now" Zel says as we see Alessia pulling into the car park instantly making me smile. "You girls are cutting it fine Eh" Nikita says but I can't even concentrate on what she just said because I'm in a trance staring at a certain blue eyed blonde who's just got out the car, she's wearing a pretty casual outfit but my god she looks breathtaking I'm surprised my jaw actually hasn't hit the floor, both Ella and Alessia notice my reaction and Ella replies to keets while Alessia walks over looking chuffed with herself seeing the trance I was in looking at her, she comes over to stand next to me giving me a subtle nudge while she greets everyone,
"Honestly don't even last time Alessia drives us anywhere" Ella shouts laughing
"Why what happened this time" Millie's chimes in while carrying Maya
"The girl takes so many wrong turns it's unbelievable she lives in manny and has done for like 2 years now but she still can't figure her way around it's mind boggling" Ella rants on jokingly making us all laugh
"Okay okay I'll admit it I'm just a bit clumsy" Alessia admits with a blush
"A bit?!? I've only been here I few months and I swear I've seen you fall, trip or walk into something at least once a day" I add making the girls laugh and agree and making her lock eyes with me and blush even more making us even for the mess I was earlier, and with that Zel leads us into the building, "right let's get in there I won't win out here will I?" She says
"You won't win anyway Zel let's be honest" Mary chips in earning a few giggles

Out of 18 holes we've managed to get to the 14th in the space of an hour which to be honest I'm kind of impressed with considering how many of us are here and who is here, we've been having a laugh the full time trying to put each other off a bit but the girls are professional athletes so yes they are still very competitive with it even though they are joking around and of course Maya who is actually doing really well, she's also getting a lot more comfortable with all the girls and not just me, Ella and now of course Alessia so I'm proud of her and she's having a great time which is all I want. I'm currently standing with Ella while waiting on the girls to finish this hole and I'm staring at Alessia who's giving Maya a little helping hand since she's a bit stuck on what to do which completely melts my heart, "you are actually so smitten it's madness" Ella teases which breaks my trance, I turn to look at her and smile
"I can't help it look at how cute that is" we talk quietly so no one else can hear us
"It is cute to be fair, how are you both doing anyways"
"I mean it is still early in the relationship for us we only just told each other how we really felt like 2 days ago but we both know I liked her long before that"
"Yes yes we did but she also liked you for a while before she eventually went round to yours the other night, I knew you would both be suited to each other though but I didn't expect it to go this well" she admits
"She's just perfect, I think I'm a bit scared I mess it up I've never felt like this so early on before and it's a little scary but I think she's coming over again tonight so it'll be a nice end to a great day"
"You both deserve this, since you've came to the club I've not seen Alessia this happy and that's saying something because the girl is happy all the time so you are obviously doing something right, just be yourself she likes you for who you are, remember that" as much as Ella is up for a laugh a lot of the time, she's a good listener and gives great advice when it comes down to it and I'm so glad to have met her, I look at her smiling and give her a side hug "thank you Ella, I'm glad I met you ya know"
"Same here Abi, now enough with the mushy stuff I need to beat you at golf" she says seeing the girls finally finishing and ready to go to the next.

As we are walk to the next hole Alessia comes up to me, "what was that will Ella look kinda serious, you okay?" This girl is too sweet
"We're all good I was talking about you actually" I smile
"Oh god good things I hope" she giggles
"Wouldn't you like to know blondey, now if you'll excuse me I've got to show you all how to win" i say that last part louder so the others can hear making them laugh, I nudge into her side on the way up to take my shot.

About half an hour later and we've finally finished the course and surprisingly I won overall much to the girls dismay, "and I thought you guys we meant to be good" I joke
"Woooo go auntie Abi" I hear Maya say I lift her up for a celebratory cuddle and spin her round
"You've got a little hype woman over there fair play" i hear Nikita say smiling
"At least one of you girls isn't a sore loser" I laugh
"Yea yea I'll win next time" Ella mumbles
"Don't be too optimistic Tooney you were pretty bad" Millie jokes making us all laugh

We've finished our food and let me tell you it was delicious we all needed a good 20 minutes to just sit after we ate which consisted of us all having a laugh and just being happy in each other's company, now we're all getting ready to leave and go home, me and Less decided that we would both drive back to hers so she can drop her car off and get her training stuff or anything else she needs then I'll drive us to mine and to training tomorrow to make things easier. We made it to Alessia's and she was in getting a bag ready while me and Maya waited outside in my car, "is Alessia having another sleepover?" I hear from the back seat
"Yea she is, is that okay darling?" I ask suddenly worried Maya didn't want her to
"Yay I was hoping she was she was so fun today and she helped me at golf" she exclaimed excitedly calming me down
"Yea she did I'm glad you had a good time with the girls"
"Yeah they are so fun you're friends are really cool aunty Abi" this statement makes me laugh knowing if the girls heard that their ego would double in size, as I turn round I see Alessia running out the building and into the car, "sorry about that I couldn't find my jumper" she apologised
"Of course but don't apologise darling you weren't even long don't worry" I smile as I get ready to drive to mine. After a car journey filled with karaoke with them 2 we pulled into the drive of my house ready for a night of fun with my 2 favourites.

Here's another update it's not as long as the last but I wanted to get something out today and I'll get another one out soon :)

Also not jonas actually using his bench tonight and having 3 debuts in the one game, that's a successful night in my eyes

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