Part 4

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August 8th
Abigail's POV:
I woke up at my usual time and did my morning routine skipping out checking my phone as I'd wanted to set up in my office a bit earlier today as I was starting my individual meetings with the players today so we can sort meal plans. I also had a few things I wanted to decorate my office with to make it seem a bit more cosy and welcoming since I'll be spending time in here and other players and staff with be meeting me in there. I headed to the car with everything I need deciding to listen to my abba playlist this morning to wake me up a bit.

Luckily I was one of the first cars to arrive so I could get in and get set up before everyone arrived. I got up to my office and unpacked my bag, I really needed to decorate in here as it was so bare, I brought some family photos of me and brothers family and some of me, my mum and dad to remind me of home, I brought 2 of my cactus plants, a Man Utd scarf from my first game and finally I brought my good luck teddy to sit on one of the shelves, the office definitely looks better than it did before, had to start somewhere, right?

Once I'd decorated the office I got started on some actual work, I'd done my research on the players but I always prefer to talk in person plus it's a good way to get to know everyone a bit better and see what everyone is like 1 to 1 which is what I was excited about. It was about an hour later and I'd got my self set and prepped for the day, I looked out my window that faces the football pitches seeing the girls head out for training I decided to watch them from my office and let me tell you pre season looks like torture, so much running!

Once training is finished and the girls start to head inside to get changed I get some more water for the office as my meetings are due to start in the next 10 minutes, I've got the England girls coming in first then a lunch break then more players, hopefully I can get through everyone today!

After about 15 minutes Katie comes through the door smiling I get up to hug her, "hey captain good session today! Pre season is off to a good start by the looks of it"
"Aw thanks Abi, nice little view you've got up here, yea all the girls look to be right up for it"she laughs
"It's great I get tired watching you guys out there" I joke
"Yea and now you've got us up here talking about food after working up an appetite" she groans jokingly
"Yea yea we won't be long superstar, you especially since I've done your meal preps before, just going over some things"

After about 10 minutes of going over dietary requirements for the season and going through a few examples of what I'll be setting for her, Katie and I stood up as I walked her out.

"Thanks very much Abi, lovely as always! Can't wait to get my meals back"
"My pleasure Zelem, do you mind sending the next girl in on you way downstairs"
"Yea of course... one last thing though"
"How was you little coffee date yesterday" she teases
"Okay it wasn't a date as such, we just bumped into each other when I was out a walk and I was going there anyway and asked if she wanted to join me... but it was lovely thanks for asking" I explained, smiling while thinking about it
"Look at you smiling thinking about it"
"I was thinking about the drinks you!" I defend myself
"I'm just messing" she playfully hits my shoulder "but Tooney won't let you hear the end of it"
"Oh trust me I know I woke up to texts from her but I decided to let her wait since I knew I'd see her in person at some point today" I explained
"Yea she told us you hadn't answered so prepare for that" she warned laughing
I giggled "I'm ready for it don't worry"
"Well we now need to arrange a coffee trip"
"Name a date and time and I'll be there Zel, we need a nice catch up out with work anyway"
"Perfect, right I'll see you at lunch?"
"Yep see you soon girl!" I waved her off

It was about 1pm and I'd now had my meetings with Millie, Nikita, Maya, Galton, Hayley and Mary had just left not before teasing me about my "date" yesterday with Alessia, the teasing didn't bother me 1) because I know none of it is meant to actually wind me up 2) because they are probs jealous they didn't get a coffee and 3) because it's Alessia what's there to be embarrassed about the girl is perfect!

My thoughts are interrupted as Ella barges through the door, "you phone best be broke girl!" She exclaimed
I creased laughing, "I knew you'd get wound up and I also knew I'd see you in person soon enough so chill out"
"Na I'm just playing... just means I can question you in person" she laughs
"What do you want to know Tooney"
"How was it?"
"It was actually so nice just chilling outside work and having good conversations and getting to know her, I can see why you are so close you balance each other out, but yea it was a good end to my first day"
"That's cute, sounds like a date to me though can't lie" i laughed and rolled my eyes at her, "well it wasn't, I've only known her a day" is all I can say as I wouldn't mind it being a date but I more of a friends first person which Ella knows
"Yes I know I'm just teasing... I do need to be serious a sec though"
"Oh god what" knowing it most definitely wasn't serious as her face gave it away
"You went to the dark side you traitor, we were hot chocolate buddies!"
"Don't worry when you come round we'll still have my famous hot chocolate"
"Thank the lord for that!" She exclaims dramatically
"Right, let's get this meal prep done so we can get to lunch"

After about 10 minutes we are done and dusted and again I was Ella to the door asking her to send the next person up on her way out, " right I'll see you in the canteen soon?" She asks
"Yea I'll be down soon, one more meeting then I'll be down" I wave her off and head back over to my desk

A few minutes later I look up from my phone to be greeted with a piercing pair of blue eyes that could only belong to her.
"Well well well hello there lessi"
"Abs fancy seeing you here" she jokes, I get up to hug her quickly and sit back down
"So how are you today" I ask
"I'm good, knackered after training but all good, craving a hot chocolate to be fair" she winks and laughs
"I knew I'd get you hooked"
"I am hooked I don't know what's happening to me" she giggles
Okay let's get into you and your meal plans, so obviously I've not had the pleasure of working with you before so let's get right into it"

After about 20 minutes of me trying to concentrate on my job and not get lost in a trance from just looking at her and actually taking notes of what Alessia is telling me I manage to get all the information I need, "I think that's us got everything covered I'll send a draft of a plan to you and the chefs soon!" I explain
"Perfect I'm excited to see what you plan since I've only heard good things from the girls you have worked with, even the ones that don't play here talk about it when we are at lionesses camps" she tells me
"Well I hope I live up to the hype" I joke
"I hope so too, you're impressing me already besides work" she says looking into my eyes, we stare at each other smiling for a few seconds before I get more flustered and cough breaking eye contact
"Right I'm starving let me just turn this off and I'll meet you down there in 5?" I say
"Perfect see you soon"
Once she's left the room I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, okay so maybe it's a big crush and not a small one, that's fine I can handle this just need to compose myself. After a few minutes of me telling myself this I head downstairs to the canteen, same as yesterday I head over to the table with the girls with my food funnily enough the only space available once again being next to Alessia... not complaining.

"How's the meetings going abi" Nikita asks
"Yea they're all going really well so far nice and simple as you girls know just formalities that need to be done" I explain
They all nod, "well I'm excited to be back to your meals I've missed them" Millie says
"Thanks mil"

We all eat our lunch and have a mess about, every so often I look to Alessia and just smile at her, she has the most infectious laugh and smile so it's impossible not to when I see her, she notices me one time but we just giggle and look back at Mary who was telling the story at the time. I think Mary and Ella caught me staring at lessi a few times but thankfully didn't say anything in front of everyone. As we were all getting ready to leave I was taking my plate over to where it was meant to go and Mary comes up and nudges me, "take a picture next time it'll last longer" she teases and I start very much blushing, "yea yea very funny I can't help it look at her!" I defend myself to which she just laughs and walks away back probably to tell Ella. I say goodbye to the girls and head back up to my office and the girls head home for the day. I managed to get 5 more meetings done and decide to call it a day at that.

it was about 4pm by the time I got back to the house and I was actually pretty exhausted remembering I went in earlier to decorate so with that thought I went upstairs to have a shower and put some pyjamas on, once comfy on my bed I put friends on knowing I was about to go for a nap but also wanting the background noise and with that my eyes flutter closed and I fall into sleep.

Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates the last couple days and a lot of stuff on but me know what you think of this chapter and what you'd like to see! Thank

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