Part 8

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October 16th

Abigail's POV:
I woke up to a weight on my chest and looked down and smiled instantly remembering the events of last night, my arms wrapped round Alessia and our legs tangled, after a few minutes of looking at her and memorising her features and how peaceful she is, I removed one arm to grab my phone which made her start to stir, after a few seconds I was met with her baby blue eyes meeting mine and the cutest grin I'd ever seen, "morning darling" I said softly
"Morning abs, how long have you been up?" Oh my lord her morning voice wow! I could get use to hearing that
"Only about 10 minutes"
"And how long have you been looking at me?" She smiled teasingly at me
"Only about 10 minutes" I laughed while blushing
She giggled and leaned up to give me a quick kiss
"What time is it anyway?" She asked cuddling back into me
"About 8:30 and we don't have to be at training centre till 12"
"thank god for late kick offs" she sighed closing her eyes again, I let her fall back asleep or at least try to but she can't apparently
"Nooooo why" she groaned pulling the covers up over us both making me laugh a bit
"What's wrong" I look down at her
"I can't fall back asleep" she huffed
"Well why don't we watch some tv and cuddle in bed for an hour" I suggest
"That sounds perfect" she says sitting up a bit so she can see the tv while still laying on me
We put on friends but both ended up just chatting through it about anything and everything, "where would you most love to go on holiday?" I ask
"Probably Hawaii it looks so peaceful and of course the good weather"
"Shut up I've always wanted to go there" I laugh
"Maybe we can go one day" she says smiling
"Yes we can one day" I say smiling at the thought.

It was about an hour later and we need to get up so we didn't have to rush around later, "okay let's get up" I say starting to move she grabs me not letting me move
"Noooo I'm so comfy and cozy here whyyyy" she says dramatically
"Because you need breakfast and to go get you're stuff ready and I need to get Maya up fed and ready since she's coming to the game today" I laughed pulling the covers back down
"Omg is Maya coming to the game" she sat up excitedly
"Yep she's coming on the bus as well but she doesn't know that yet" I say knowing how excited she'll be when she finds out
" okay okay let's get up then" she jumped up
I chuckled seeing her in a Scotland top which made her look down, "well don't you just suit that lovely" I say with my accent coming out a bit more
"Crikey I do need to get changed" she said dramatically
"Oh you love it don't start" I said winding her up
"I'll get you back for this just wait" she says pointing at me
"We'll see"

Once we both got changed (Alessia just put her clothes from yesterday back on since she had to go back to flat to change later) Alessia went down to the kitchen and I went to wake Maya, "morning buba" I said softly and Maya turned round waking up
"Morning aunty Abby" she smiled hugging me
"You wanting to come down for some breakfast"
"YES FOOD TIME" she exclaimed jumping on my back to get carried downstairs which made me laugh, she's definitely awake now!

We, well I, made our way downstairs to the kitchen to see Alessia, "omg Alessia you're still here yay" Maya shouted from my back just about as happy to see Less as I am
"Yea I ended up having a sleepover with your aunty Abby, I hope that's okay" she replied while making her way over to us at the dining table
"Of course you're so fun" Maya smiled at me and Alessia
"Am I not fun of something" I say acting offended Making them both laugh
"Right miss Maya what would you like for breakfast today?" I ask her making my way over to the cupboards
"Okay Maya I heard you that time jeez" I laughed holding my ear making Less giggle
"And Lessi what would you like for breakfast?" I say less loudly than Maya
"I can get it Abs don't be silly" she said being cute as ever
"Don't be stupid I'll make you breakfast"
"What a gentlewoman" she says
"I try I try" she laughs
"Okay what do you want for breakfast then?" I add
"Can I have pancakes as well, little miss Maya has  put me right in the mood
"Great idea pancakes all round then" I say getting started about 25 minutes later I had gotten Mayas pancakes strawberries and Nutella ready and made me and Less pancakes and put out some toppings on separate dishes because I didn't know what she liked, I took it all over and shouted them through to the table as they had went through to the living room to watch tv, "guys breakfast" not even 30 seconds later I see Alessia running through carrying a giggling Maya and the sight warmed my heart and made me smile, "jeez this is quite the spread, now I've got another thing to add to the list of reasons to have another sleepover" she said looking at me when she said the last part. She pulled her phone out and took a picture of the table and posted it on her insta story captioning it "Best match day brekkie ever💖"  Once she'd sat down we all tucked into our food, "how is it girls"
" yummy" Maya replied stuffing her face
"I don't know how you do it" Alessia says staring at me
"Do what?" I say confused
"How are these so good first it was the hot chocolate now these" she exclaimed making me laugh
"Years of practice, don't worry I'll make you them again" I said looking at her
"Oh I'm counting on it" she said looking into my eyes

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