Part 5

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October 15th
Abigail's POV:
It's been a little over a month since I started working for Man Utd and safe to say I couldn't have settled in better, everyone has been so lovely and welcoming to me!

Work wise it's been going great I've been getting on with things and everyone seems to be enjoying my meal prep plans which is always nice to hear, I've been getting more involved with the gym side of things as well which has been keeping me busy, the girls who I've worked with previously have been buzzing to have me back and the girls I've not worked with before are all enjoying and look forward to the meals I have for them and the gym plans I go through with them.

Social life wise me and the girls have been going out a few times a week not drinking of course but just cute little bonding things like going walks to the park with the dogs or going to cafes after training which has been lovely you can tell how close this group of girls are it's like having a family away from your family which for me is amazing considering mine are mostly in a different country and I can't visit as often as I'd like to because of work.

As for my not so little crush on a certain Alessia Russo, safe to say it's grown even more over the past month. I am am really trying to keep it under control but it's proving extremely difficult, she's just perfect I can't find anything I don't like about her she's just mesmerising to me even when she's tripping over her own feet, which trust me she does a lot because she's like the clumsiest person ever like I mean multiple times a day, I can't help but like her more! Not only is she beautiful she's funny, kind, smart, loving, endearing the list can go on and on but she's just perfect. It also doesn't help that we're always together we see each other everyday day for work and when we're not at the training centre or at matches we're out with the other girls not that I'm complaining I love spending as much time as possible with her it's just hard hiding how I feel.

Anyways, right now I'm at home I was of course at the training centre today but I got finished early at about 12 today as I was picking maya my niece up at about 2 today as she was gonna be staying with me for a couple days while my brother and his partner go on holiday for a few days, so I decided to have lunch at home and tidy a bit before I had to leave, I decided to go to Tesco's earlier because I was gonna make cookies later on after dinner so me and maya could have some fun. It's now about 1:45 and I am just leaving to pick up maya from the station. I get there just as their train gets in and I get out to greet them all. As soon as maya sees me she runs up to me and jumps into my arm, "auntie Abi I've missed you so much"
"Aww I've missed you too buba"
I keep a hold of maya as she clings on to me not wanting out down I give my brother Conor and his partner Reese and side hug, "aww I've missed you guys so much" I gushed
"Alright sis I've missed you too it's been too long since I've seen you" Conor said
"I know I know I've been going a bit insane with all these Mancunians I needed to hear your Scottish accents in person the phone wasn't cutting it" I exclaimed
"Aw we need to have a girlie night in when I'm back" Reese promised
"100%" I agreed
"Right we best shoot off and head to the airport, Maya you behave for auntie Abi okay?"
"Yes mummy I will" she excitedly said
"Of course she'll behave I'm her favourite" she laughed and agreed
With that we all said our goodbyes and I took maya back to the car, I strapped her into her car seat and off we went.

Once we got back to my house we unpacked her stuff into her room that we set up last time she was here, it's all decorated the way she wanted it with her pink bedding and toys around the room. Once all that was done we went downstairs to the living room and watched a film, we put on high school musical mainly because it was one of my favourite Disney films and because me and maya love a sing a long even if she doesn't know the words.

It was now about 4:30 and we'd just finished the first high school musical and decided we should watch the second, I went through to the kitchen to get us some more juice and a few snacks, luckily when I went to Tesco I stocked up on all of mayas favourites so I got us each a fruit shoot as she likes to drink the same as me and a few light snacks just incase. I had just got us sat back down when I heard the doorbell go, "who's that auntie Abi"
"I don't know buba let me go check" I got up confused as I wasn't expecting anyone over from what I can remember, as I open the door I'm met with the same angelic face that's been cloud my brain for the past month, "hey I'm sorry to just drop in I thought we could hang out since it's been a while since we have" "hey Lessi no you're totally sound it's just"- I was interrupted by maya running out the living room and to the door "hi I'm maya" she says to Alessia who's just looking shocked, "sorry Lessi this is my niece maya I'm babysitting for a few days while Conor and Reese go on holiday, Maya this is Alessia I work with her she's super cool" I explain "auntie Abi I know who she is silly I know her and auntie Ella's song from when we watched her in Summer" she explained to me like I was the child to which me and less both giggled "hello Maya it's lovely to finally meet you, your auntie has told me all about you" she bends to speak to Maya and Maya gets a bit shy a cuddles my leg. "Anyway sorry to interrupt your day Abs I'll head off and leave you to it" "less don't be silly come in we'd love to have you as long as you don't mind the high school musical marathon we're having, we'd love to have her wouldn't we buba?" i looked down at Maya and she's smiles and nods, I looked at Less hoping she'd stay "lucky for you high school musical is on my list of favs so you'll have to listen to my amazing-ish voice as well" she dramatically explained. I laughed and invited her into the living room and we all got comfy on the couch ready for the film. All throughout the film you could hear all 3 of us singing our hearts out well me and Less singing and Maya pretending she knows the words but still stealing the show with her dancing.

After the film we were all out of breath and laughing from the dancing we all did from the last song. Once we had all calmed down it was about 6:30 so I decided to sort dinner out, I had decided to get a takeaway since it was Maya's first night so I ordered us all a Chinese that should be here at about 7ish, "that's food ordered you pair" I said walking into the living to see the 2 girls laughing at something, it was melting my heart looking at them and seeing how much Maya has warmed up to Alessia so quickly just made me so happy, I sat myself down with them ready for the night ahead...

Hey guys I'm sorry for not posting in so long I had a lot of uni stuff to get done but thankfully I'm all done now for Christmas so I can upload a lot more so expect an upload tomorrow as well! Let me know what you guys think about the story so far

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