An apology was never go enough 🛑 ♦

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Just warning for very heavy topic already 


TW: Ubuse, violence, rape, and talk about rape.

Karls POV

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIEUS!" He yelled, throwing a hard fist into the wall, causing me to flich, he has acted like this before, It was just like him. "FUCK!" He cursed, another punch was thrown hitting the wall with a loud tund. It was always like this, every time I went out and came home late he would freak, yell and sometimes hit me, the thing was a was so used to it, that I didn't even bother me when he yelled, when he threw a punch in my stomach, and who was I to fight back. In all honesty it pathetic, i can't stand up for myself, i cant do anything about it, i just let it happen, let it wall happen.

"I'm was just a kiss." I felt helpless whispering a weak apogee, it wasn't enough tho, an apology was never good enough, it didn't matter if i apologised and explained, he never believed me anyways. So i hard punch was trow to my stomach as i gasp for air, "Fuck..." I let the air escape, as a gasped for another breath, the breath was pushed out of my lungs a get more pouches to my stomach, '1' I gasp ogre air. '2' The air is pushed out. '3' My body got weaker as I felt my legs giving up on me. '4' I fall to the floor, with a thund. A kick my lower stomach, with a tight grip in my hair I was pulled off the floor, and almost thrown towards the stairs, my head hitting the first step. "Ah!" I yelp out with the small amount of air I had left. My entire body was giving up on me, my legs felt like jello, my head hurt, my eyelids were heavy. I fought to say wake i knew if I passed out he could do whatever he wanted, he could touch me, he could rape me again. 'STAY AWAKE KARL!' I yell at myself in my head, i can't stay awake, i knew it, but i keep fighting, trying. 'Stay can do it.' Eyelids heavier than ever, i let them fall close, there was no point, I could stay awake all i want, he would punish me no matter what. Last thing I remember was the man in front of me, a man that I hate so much I could kill him. I must have woken up a few times during all that was happening, and I could remember him thrusting into me, groaning and moaning in pleasure while I was in pure pain. The second time I woke up all I could see was the roof of what looked like a car, I was placed on something or more like someone, I could hear soft whispers, and sniffs, someone was talking. I could feel a hand on mine, one in my hair, and one rubbing the lower part of my leg.

*next morning*

I shot awake, gasping for air, tears streaming down my face. Two arms wrapped around me quickly, I screamed, he was here, it was him.

"Shh, Karl it's me, it's gonna be okay." They keep whispering the same things over and over, it took me a long time to calm down and process what was going on, and who was holding me, Sapnap. He had me wrapped up in his arms tightly, whispering sweet things in my ear, reassuring me I was safe. I pushed out of his grasp, turned around wrapping my arms around him. He welcomed the hug and hugged me back, i heard small sniffs from the younger one. I pulled back for the hug, locking eyes with Sapnap, he looked so worried, but also relieved.

"Why are you crying love?" I ask him, a small smile on my lips. His cheek flush a bright red, i love seeing him blush when i call him 'love', 'babe/baby' (etc). He lets a breathy laugh escape, looking down at his lap, then up at me again.

"I- sorry, i didn't mean to cry in front of you, i just can't get the image out of my head." The last part came out more as a whisper, I didn't know what he was talking about, i wanted to ask but i didnt want him to cry more. "I makes me sick." He whispers.

"What? What makes you sick?" I ask even tho i'm pretty sure i know what. Sapnap had know for a long time about my so-called boyfriend, and also how he treated me, how mad he would get over the dumbest stuff. Thats also why me and Sapnap had been secretly dating for about 3 months, i hade tried to break up with my asshole of a boyfriend, but everytime he would hurt me, both mentally and physically, so i just stayed with him trying to figure out how to get rid of him without him coming back and try to kill me, or my friends, or even someone on my team. (managers and stuff) I felt bad for my real lover, him having to pretend and lie, and all-cause i was to much of a coward to report - - - - for all his crimes.

"They we he treats you, it's just awful." Sapnap whispered quietly, nuzzling his head into the older's shoulder. " I saw you like- like t-that, and it just made me fell like throwing up. I just- i was mad, i don't know- he was there, you were there and i think i killed him." Sapnap whisper into the crock of Karl's neck, then gave him a small kiss. Karl let out a small giggle, Sapnap's lips were kind dry and rough, and every time he pressed his lips against Karl's neck it tickles. Sapnap love hearing his lover laugh and giggle, so he continued to press small kisses on his neck tickling the boys, both soon laughing and giggling. Karl swiftly moved his hands to tickle the younger's side stomach, causing Sapnap to let out a yelp, both of them laughed at the shorters reaction. Their laughter came to a stop when the door to Sapnap's bedroom swung open, revealing a tall dirty blond man, and a sort of short brunette, both panting. Dream had dried up blood on his shirt, pants and hands, and so did George.

"What the hell happened!? Are you okay!?" Karl got out of the bed as fast as possible, almost falling over as his legs were wobbly, but managed to half sprint over to his friends in the doorway. Karl took Dream's hand's in his palms up, to check for wounds, he moved Dream's hands over to see the top of them, his knuckles bruised and cut open. Karl's eyes widened, as he released what had happened. "You- You-.......oh my god.....-you did-.....holy fuck... -Is he alive?" Karl ask, his breath speeding up, heart racing. He looked up to see his taller friend's face, a small cut on his left cheek, a bruise forming next to his lip. "You face..." He whispered, Karl was in full shoke, Pulling Dream down into a hug muttering a bunch of 'thank yous', few second later he pulled away form the hug, and goes to hug George, them almost being the same height he could easily bury his head into the crock of his friend's neck. Sapnap clears his throat, as he walks over to Karl, who had pulled away for the hug, and turned to look at his lover.

"Lets watch a movie?" Sapnap asked, in a shy quiet voice, not really knowing what to say in a situation like this, well to be honest non of them knew how to deal with a situation like this one. They all cuddled up under a few blankets and found a kids movie to watch.

—-- was arrested, just a few days later, and Karl testify against him, and the guy ended up with 28 years of jail, for rape, assault, harassment, abuse and drug selling. Karl and Sapnap could be together, though there were always things they couldn't do for a long time, like anything sexual, and when they first did anything somewhat sexual Sapnap was acting like Karl was a thin piece of glass, making sure the older was okay with absolutely everything, and Karl loved it. 

1398 words

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