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Rainbownessa Alexandra Iris Dash Storm

A young woman fond of sports, has a cocky and egoistic attitude and misunderstood.

A model, singer, celebrity and a dancer, not by will but a very specific person.

Has many friends, who don't even care about her life and think she is egocentric. Lovely Lifeisn't it.

A very loyal, sweet, innocent, and betrayed heart is lying under a mask.

Who is there to help?

Soarin John Blake Skies

A boy who is cold, arrogent and gets annoyed by everything due to something in the past.

A celebrity by playing soccer in a world-famous soccer team know as the Wonderbolts.

A boy with a kind, helping heart hidden deep inside.

Always followed by a swarm of fangirls, but no one to replace one.

Is he the chosen one?

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