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"I promise I can explain it." He said softly as he walked over to you, "Please, let me just explain everything."

You folded your arms and took a step away from him, ignoring the way his eyes fell. "Alright then, explain."

Bakugo just sighed and proceeded to sit on your floor. He was there for a moment before he raised his head to look up at you, "Sit down, (Y/n). Really, you're going to want to sit down."

So you sat cross-legged on your bed and waited for him to start. Bakugo took in a deep breath before he began.

"So when I got back, my mother came up with me, right." He wasn't looking at you, his gaze was fixed on his fingers, playing with the hem of his shirt. You didn't miss how he referred to her as his mother, and not 'the hag' as he usually did. It was concerning. "And she just started going off about Deku's mother always missing him, and the other parents and how they always dread when it's time for us to move into the dorms...." He paused then.

You weren't understanding what the point of the story was. Of course parents would be sad to see their children leave home. Even your parents were, despite the fact that they weren't home much themselves. You folded your arms across your chest and raised a brow at the blonde boy.

"Of course parents are sad to see their kids go, Katsuki. I don't understand the point of this."

He moved into that position again; knees brought up to his chest and arms hugging around them, "Because it's my fault that we're here."

You urged him to go on, getting down from your bed and sitting on the floor a few meters before him.

"I'm the reason we're here, (Y/n). I got myself fucking kidnapped in my first year because I was too weak to fight against the League and I had to wait for everyone to come and rescue me," Hi voice was cracking now and he kept his eyes on you. You could see the tears welling and his lips quivered. You'd never seen Bakugo cry before, and the sight broke your heart.

"God, I'm the reason All might's career's over. I'm always trying to be the best and yet I'm the only one that was weak enough to get kidnapped. That fucking Deku had to come save me."

"Katsuki," You whispered, completely forgetting you were angry with him, forgetting about Uraraka and the whole ordeal the day before. You moved forward, pulling his hands away from his knees and holding them tightly.

"And she kept repeating it and it was like I'd taken everyone from their families because I was too weak. And when she finally left, I didn't know what to do," he held your hands tightly to his chest, pulling you forward, "I'm sorry, (Y/n). Uraraka just happened to be there because she got back earlier than us, and she heard everything and came into my room after my mother left. I'm sorry. I just, she was there and I was panicking and I didn't want to be alone."

He was pulling you into his chest now, hugging your body tightly to his and whispering into your hair, "We didn't do anything, I promise. We weren't even touching, she was just there. And I didn't know it was you at the door, I didn't hear your voice, please. I was half asleep when the knock came, and she said it was just one of the cleaners doing the final touches. It's just Kaminari and the others that told me. I promise, (Y/n). I wouldn't have let her do that if I'd known it was you."

He kept mumbling into your hair, tightening his hold around you, and you didn't want to tell him that it was beginning to hurt, because you felt horrible for getting so mad at him when he was going through so much.

You pulled away from him, sitting up and wrapping your arms around the width of his body. You allowed him rest his head on your chest, running your fingers through his blonde locks. He was shaking in your arms and that just made you hold him tighter.

"First it was the slime villain two years ago, now this. And I keep trying to be the best and it's not working. All the training and the mouthing and yet I know that it's not working because I'm always the victim." He took in a deep breath, "I'm so sorry, (Y/n). I'm so fucking scared that despite how hard I try, I'll always be the weakest one here. "

You brought his head up to yours, smiling at him so brightly despite the tears in your eyes, "But that's not true at all, Katsuki." You held his cheeks, stroking away his tears as they continued to fall, "You've been through so much and yet here you still are. You're much stronger than you think you are Katsuki."

He placed his hands on your waist, "Other people don't get kidnapped, (Y/n)."

"Other people wouldn't be able to handle it like you can, Katsuki."

"I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have let her talk to you like that. I'm really sorry." He whispered as he leaned closer to you, breathing in your neck.

You sighed into his hair, arms around his broad shoulders, "You didn't know. And I'm sorry, for getting mad when you were going through that."

"You didn't know," he said as he snuggled further into you. Then he pulled you onto his lap, placing his hands around your waist, "I really don't like her, (Y/n). I'm sorry for making you worry," he reached out to caress your jaw, "I've made you feel so bad about her twice already. I'm really fucking sorry, baby."

"It's fine now. We were both ignorant yesterday," You ran your fingers along the length of his arms.

"Yeah, and I really do like you as well, in case you didn't know." His eyes were half lidded as he brought your lips down to his.

You hummed against his lips as his hands explored your waist underneath your shirt, completely forgetting about the fight, and about Uraraka. Neither of you noticing her figure peaking from the tiny crack Mina had accidentally left between the door and the wall as she'd walked out of the room.

And she didn't say anything as her throat tightened and tears began dripping from her eyes.

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