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The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. Until night came and Aizawa slept in his room. Mina and Kaminari had the wonderful idea of gathering every willing person (and everyone who could be forced or persuaded) to the common room for a game of truth or dare.

You weren't opposed to the idea, it actually sounded like a fun way to get to know your classmates better. Everyone was scattered around the place, some on the chairs, some on the floor.

You happened to be part of the latter category, sitting in between Uraraka and Sero. You were surprised to see Bakugo here, but you guessed Mina must have found a way to coerce him. You were not at all shocked at Shinsou's absence.

"Okay guys, so first things first, we have to be quiet so we don't wake Aizawa-sensei." Mina was having way too much fun with this sneaking around thing. "Kaminari, since you were one of the organisers, go first."

"(Y/n)," He wriggled his brows at you and you laughed, "truth or dare."

"Truth." It was always best to start safe. You had a feeling Kaminari was crazy with dares.

"Honestly, do you see a future with us dating?"

"No." The other laughed.

"Hooking up?" Kaminari tried his luck.


"Kissing?" Now he was desperate and shocked.

"Maybe." You laughed at him.

"Seriously?" He moved closer to you, disbelief evident on his face.

"Yeah, I could totally kiss you. You're  not ugly."

While everyone laughed, Bakugo couldn't help but glare at the other blonde boy as he talked to you.

"We go from the right. Next, Kirishima."

The game was fun. There were crazy dares (as crazy as they could get without waking Aizawa), and juicy truths. Soon, it became Asui's turn.

You saw her glance at Uraraka, then Bakugo. Your heart sank. It was obvious she supported them instead. That fact didn't faze you, Bakugo decided whon he wanted, not others' opinions. What bothered you was what Asui's question was going to be.

"Bakugo, truth or dare."

Your eyes immediately moved to him. He wasn't looking at you at that moment. He wasn't that stupid to choose dare. He had to know what she was planning. You didn't kiss idiots.


You kiss idiots.

"I dare you to kiss Uraraka."

The reactions were grouped into two.

Some people went wild,giggling and hooting. Those were people who either rooted for Uraraka's and Bakugo's relationship, or were just clueless as to their feelings.

The others were silent, with wide eyes and open mouths. Those were the people that wanted you and Bakugo to be together, the likes of the four musketeers, yourself and Bakugo.

"What?" He looked at Uraraka briefly, the  back at Asui.

"You heard me. Don't chicken out." She laughed.

"You talk a big game. Don't tell me you're afraid of a kiss." Todoroki egged him on.

You could see when the prideful and competitive part of Bakugo's brain took over. He gritted his teeth, then glanced at you briefly. You turned away from his gaze. You couldn't tell him not to do it, you couldn't risk other people finding out about both of you.

You discreetly nodded, still not looking at him.

What hurt most about all of this was that Uraraka was next to you, so Bakugo came so close to you as he kissed another girl.

"I don't mean a peck." At that moment, you wanted to strangle Tsuyu.

You loved her, but not at that moment.

Bakugo hesitated for a moment, kneeling down in front of a speechless Uraraka. He placed his hand at the back of her neck and pulled her towards him, fitting their lips together.

You couldn't help but turn to look at them. They were so close to you. You could see when his mouth opened and his tongue infiltrated hers. Your chest felt hollow.

Sero's fingers interlaced yours. He was giving you encouragement, support. You turned away from them. Others were too busy, laughing and hooting to notice you. Others except, Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero.

Finally, the kiss ended, not after you heard a soft whimper escape Uraraka's lips. You turned back to them, thinking it was over, but catching the line of saliva breaking apart between their lips.

You squeezed Sero's hand.

"You guys, I'm tired." He laughed and yawned, "this was fun, though. See you guys tomorrow. (Y/n), you coming?"

You nodded at him, eternally grateful. Both of you stood up and walked away, after saying goodbye. Bakugo didn't take his gaze off you.

He wanted to go after you, he desperately did. But as he attempted to stand. You shook your head at him. You guys had to be discreet. Besides, it's not like you both were dating.

Sero led you to your room, "I'm really sorry."

"It's fine, really." You smiled up at him, "Thanks, Sero. You're a lifesaver." You left him with a hug.

You went into your room and instantly collapsed on your bed. Your eyes stung. It hurt. Seeing him kiss Uraraka really fucking hurt.

 Seeing him kiss Uraraka really fucking hurt

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