It Bites

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[Skypiea Arc]

(Y/n) POV

I sat on the rails of the ship allowing the wind to blow through my hair as we sailed forward going a reasonable speed. It was quiet. Not a suspicious quiet, I knew exactly where everyone was. Luffy was watching the waters, Zoro was sleeping, Sanji wake baking, Usopp was making tools, Robin was reading, and Nami was drawing her map.

It's been 2 months since Sanji talked to me about having a relationship once I found myself, and I think I've finally found what's been holding me back. I walked into the kitchen only to be flooded with the scent of sugar, chocolate, and freshly cut berries. I smiled as Sanji continued to hum to himself.

I knocked on the counter to catch his attention, he jolted a bit, the snapped his head over to where the noise was "Boo" I said with a smile

"(Y/n)-Chwaaan!" He yelled happily as his arms were extended, asking for a hug. I walked around the counter and accepted quickly. "Are you okay, my darling?" He asked as he held me firmly, buried my face into his chest, allowing his head to rest against mine.

"Yes, and no." I answered

"What's wrong?" He asked as he started to get worried, he shut the stove off and was ready to listen.

I finally realized what's been holding me back." I explained

"What's holding you back?" He asked

"I'm not strong enough." I said as I gripped onto the back of his shirt

"(Y/n)-chan.." He hummed softly

"I want to be stronger.." I stated "I have to be." I added

"What are you aiming for?" He asked

"I'm not quite sure.. But my gut is telling me to be stronger. I want to protect myself and anyone who may need it." I said as I pressed myself into him. I could feel his heartbeat increase as his breathing because irregular, his body twitched slightly as I felt his body slightly wiggle in my arms, which made me exhale a laugh through my nose.

"Ah!~" he cooed which made me laugh more at how his voice seemed like he was watching some sort of beautiful creature, and he was in a daze. I pulled back from the hug and smiled at him.

"Anyway, we're one step closer!" I announced.

Time skip

Up in Skypiea, We've been separated from Sanji, Usopp and Luffy. We were on some sacrificial alter. Robin told Chopper to stay behind while Nami, Zoro, Robin, and I went to find a way out.

When we got to the top of the Going Merry, Robin threw down a vine to Zoro. When he grabbed it, he seemed so carefree it was inspiring. 'I want to be like Zoro, mentally.' I thought to myself

He started to clear his throat as if he had caught a cicada deep within his esophagus. When he was sure everything was clear, he leaned back and lifted his feet as he sang out the Tarzan screams

Robin caught it then gave it to me. "This is safe, right?" I asked

"Yes." Robin said I inhaled deeply, gripped the vine tightly and closed my eyes, holding it like a child would to the robes of a swing while spinning in circles. My feet curled, my breath was caught in my throat and before I knew it Zoro yelled for me to jump.

I put all my faith in him and let go. The feeling of falling was a threat, but to open my eyes to see how far the jump was, was like asking an arachnophobe to eat spiders. I hated heights, which was why on the way up here I held onto Zoro.. I would've held onto Sanji, but he would've let go of the railing.

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