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Sanji POV

'She's been so distant lately... Has something happened?' I thought to myself

"Something wrong, Sanji?" Robin asked. I lost my touch for the day...

"I'm fine, thank you.. I'm more worried than anything." I said calmly

"About what?" She asked curiously

"(Y/n).. She's been so distant lately. She won't stay in the kitchen long enough to hold a conversation, when we're eating meals, she doesn't say a words, she eats, says her thanks and leaves.. Zoro knows something, and it's pissing me off that he won't tell me. Nami knows something, but I'd have to go in debt to know about it.. A hefty debt at that. A steep 500,000 berries.. All I want is to know if she's okay." I explained

"She's perfectly fine. She's just trying to better understand herself before she jumps in too deep and can't get out." Robin said

"Oh.. So, she isn't angry?" I asked

"She shouldn't be." Robin said allowing me to relax a bit. "Do you have special feelings for her?" She asked making me tense up a bit.

"Yeah.. I still adore you and Nami, but (y/n) has something different, and it's captivating.. I can't explain it, but she's someone that I want to trust with all my heart."

"And if she so happened to have a crush on you, would you ask her on a date?" Robin asked

"100%!" I exclaimed

Robin smiled at this, as if more information had been stored inside her hidden library. "Allow her to find herself, first. Then I suggest you take her before any other guy, or man tries to swoop her off her feet..." Robin said as she started going back into her book.

"Yes, ma'am." I said as I felt my heart beating faster than before. I finished cleaning dishes and put them all away, then walked out to see Zoro sitting on (y/n)'s back, while she was laying down on the wooden boards of the ship. "OI!! MOSS HEAD!! GET OFF OF HER!!" I growled as I ran over to kick him, but before I could (y/n) spoke.

"It's okay!" She yelled making me freeze for a moment.

"What?" I asked

"It's okay.. It's training. My goal is to lift him up, and so far--" she started then began to laugh "I suck."

"Laughing makes you weaker." Zoro said

"Can we start with someone lighter?" She asked as I put my leg down then lit a cigarette.

"Lift me first." Zoro said

"I can't..!" She whined

"You can.. And you will." Zoro said

"Luffy, can I try with you on my back instead?" She asked

"Yeah!! That sounds like fun!" He said as he sat next to Zoro making her wheeze out

"Ahh!! I can't breathe!!" She exclaimed in a panic, Zoro then got up and sighed

"Luffy won't be any easier" Zoro said calmly

I tried to lift myself up, but nothing seemed to be working, then I thought of something. "Luffy, stand up really quick." I said calmly

"Uh? Okay.." He said calmly as he stood up. I pushed myself up and told him to sit on me again, when he did, this exercise seemed easier.. For a little bit.

"2 minutes." Zoro said as he leaned against the flagpole.

"Okay." She said trying to hold herself as well as Luffy up with all the upper and core strength She had.

My All Blue Princess (Sanji x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now