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Sanji POV

I sat outside on the deck as the stars danced in the sky, the soft lights from the kitchen were illuminating the ground, but I didn't pay any attention to that. I puffed on my cigarette, and exhaled a cloud of smoke. "Sanji.." I heard behind me. (Y/n)'s voice sounded broken, when I turned to her, she had tear stained cheeks that were puffy and red, as well as a hue of pink on her nose.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously as I immediately threw my cigarette into the water. She was more important.

"I feel like I'm doing something wrong." She said softly as tears built in her eyes once more, glossing them over.

"Why's that?" I asked as I held out a hand for her to take. She took it and as sat on the ground by the railing.

"I promised someone I'd come back for them, and instead I left." She spoke as her voice cracked slightly

"Don't think of it as breaking a promise. You're simply trying to get stronger. You can't really save anyone when you're weak, whether that be mentally or physically.. Or both for that matter. You didn't abandon them." I spoke softly.

"I don't want to lose anymore.. I've already lost 2. What if they end up killing her." She said. My expression dropped to being more serious, she's had a rough past, and I may have to pry to fully understand.

"Uh-- hold on, let's start back from the beginning. You lost 2, 2 what? 2 people?" I asked

"Mhm" she hummed while nodding

"May I pry into this further to understand the situation more?" I asked

"I don't want you to be mad" she said

"I promise, I won't be mad." I promised as she took out the ripped page of the newspaper out of her pocket, she gave it to me, allowing me to read it.

"Some of that isn't true.. If you need the full story after, I can give it to you." She said. Her voice was strained, and she was trying to calm down. I read the newspaper

'(Y/n) (l/n), run away, delinquent joins strawhat pirate crew after nearly killing Admiral Gia's son:

(Y/n), was an orphan, she's killed many to get what she wanted, and has even sacrificed her own family in order to save herself. The ruthless beast secretly had an alliance with Roronoa Zoro, a pirate hunter that won't hesitate to kill if anyone crosses him. (Y/n) sent Zoro to kill her fiance, Kibuya.. Now she runs freely with a hefty bounty of 200,000.'

It was a small section, but it definitely caught the eye with the bounty picture saying 'Wanted: Only Alive" I looked back at her calmly, as she seemed to be struggling to keep calm.

"May I ask for your backstory?" I asked as I held onto the paper. Hearing it, I understood exactly why she was freaking out.. She gave them what little family she had left, so her sister could have a life to live. (Y/n) was going to sacrifice herself so her sister could survive.

I flicked my lighter on, which caught her attention, she watched as the flames kissed the corner of the paper, engulfing it into a hug slowly. The passionate love that the flame held started to become something more sinister.. Now eating the paper and started destroying it from it's reality. "What are you doing?" She asked softly almost whispering

I smiled at her sweetly as the fire started getting too close to my fingers, I threw it overboard letting the fire drown in the ocean. "It's a symbol.. A metaphor even. Burn the past to make a future.. Your past does not define who you are. It may build your character, but present events are what sculpt you into the woman you want to be.. You're getting stronger as we speak. You're not running away, you're trying to be strong enough to get her back." I spoke honestly making her pause for a moment.

My All Blue Princess (Sanji x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang