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(Y/n) POV

I learned everyone's name within 2 days. I stayed close to Zoro the entire time, afraid that the others would start getting personal. I've been on the ship for a week. "Hey, (y/n)?" Nami asked

"Hmm?" I hummed softly as I sat in the shade. She was the opposite, she liked the sun.

"Why aren't you coming out here?"

"I'll burn.. I don't feel like burning." I answered

"That would be one very good reason." Robin hummed

"Well, you never talk to us girls. We wanna have some girl talk." Nami said

"That's my que to leave." I said as I stood up

"What!?" Nami protested as she sat up

"I'm not terribly interested in having gossip. I'll take my leave." I said as I went inside to get out of the heat. That's when I saw Sanji making something. "Hey, Sanji!" I said happily

"Hello, (y/n)-swan!!!" He cooed as he turned to face me with hearts surrounding him

I've come to really like Sanji. I became very comfortable with him, not enough to tell him super big details about my past, but enough so we understand each other. Zoro doesn't like talking, so I kinda peeled myself away from him. Zoro gets a little irritated when I ask him questions that don't involve training, so I just stopped. Sanji on the other hand, he'll talk about everything, and anything. "May I ask what you're making, or is it a secret?" I asked

"A secret~" he cooed softly making me giggle a bit. I saw the name and was stumped by the pronunciation.

"Uh-- par-fah?" I questioned. He looked over at me reading a recipe book. "What's a par-fah?" I questioned

"Parfa. It's a dessert with fruits. I'll make one now, if you'd like." He said with a smile

"You don't need to do that. I can wait." I said softly as I started going through the desserts

"I'm surprised you can't smell it." He said with a little shock to his voice.

"I can't use my nose right now." I said calmly

"Why?" He asked

"Allergies." I answered honestly

"What are you allergic to?" He asked curiously as he leaned on the counter separating me from the inside of the kitchen.

"Food wise or nature wise?" I asked

"Both would be helpful." He said, seemingly interested.

"Food allergies, I'm allergic to almonds, sesame, and peaches. Oh, and dark chocolate. I can't breathe when I have dark chocolate. Seasonal allergies, I'm allergic to grass clippings, and pollen from any tree." I explained

"That's not terrible. I've met others that are allergies to every peanut, every fruit, and almost every piece of meat known to man. They were also lactose intolerant as well." Sanji said calmly

"Oh, wow. That's very limited." I said softly

"Yeah, basically a vegetarian and not by choice." He said as he inhaled through his mouth to inhale the intoxicating nicotine, only to lean back and blow out a puff of smoke, reminding me of a chimney.

"Why do you smoke?" I asked curiously

"It allows me to catch a break.. I don't want to feel hungry, so nicotine gets rid of that feeling. I also don't want to be surrounded in stress." Sanji explained

"Hm.." I hummed softly as I placed my elbow on the counter, leaning my head into my hand.

"Does that make you uncomfortable?" He asked

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