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Jake stared at the crowd, hands clapping together rapidly as his knees were beginning to feel weak. He was so tired after everything. He'd been singing for what felt like hours. He had remembered all the lyrics but his mind was elsewhere. Love. He was missing Drew so damn bad and it was painful for him to think about.

The drama had died down, and Sean had joking suggested a threesome to solve the oroblem, but nothing was really happening. The drama kept him sane nowadays, he was bored without it. Not that Jake cared for drama, but it was quite amusing when you're not in it. He would admit that.

Drew was on his mind far too often. He'd  thought about dedicating a love song to him. Jake had shook that thought away. He wasn't even sure what channel Jake was on! Drew hated music, and writing love songs is cheesy. Jake decided against it, despite his yearning to put his feelings into a heartfelt song. It's funny. Just years ago, he joined the Music club for Daisy to impress her. Now, he wasn't sure the one he wanted to woo would even like something like that. It's Drew, so probably not. Jake thought with a grin. It was of fondness and annoyance. He loved Drew, he was Jake's everything, but he still hadn't stopped hating music. Jake was hoping that was just a phase. Sadly, it wasn't.

Jake sighed, writing down the lyrics for the next song he would sing. That helped him memorize it. It wasn't a love song, although he sort of wished it was. Perhaps Drew would tune in for his last day on tour. Maybe by a stroke of luck he'd find the channel. Jake knew the possibility was slim and that this was just wishful thinking. Drew wouldn't tune it, so forget it.

Jake hummed happily, Hailey watching him from the side. The two were finishing off the tour with a duet, just like old times. "This is exciting. I love singing on stage with you." Hailey grins, running a brush through her long hair. "Yeah, it's great." Jake smiled back. They were exes but friends first. Jake was very happy with that. Hailey was his best friend, she had been for years. Jake knew he could rely on her. "Jake, are you nervous?" Hailey asked and Jake frowned. "Not about being on stage. It's just... what if Drew doesn't like me back? What then?" Jake asked and Hailey gave him a baffled look. "How stupid are you?" She asked, a shadow covering her eyes. "Ouch Princess, you know I'm no good at this." He joked and she rolled her eyes. "We're done, don't call me that." She said, rolling her eyes. "Whatever. But, do you think I have a good chance at this?" He asked and she nodded. "I can promise you he likes you." She said and he smiled. "Thanks, Hailey. Let's do this." He walked on stage, shoulders relaxed and he was grinning from ear to ear. Hailey smiled. At least he's acting like himself again.

Jake was so jetlagged. He couldn't get out of bed and he didn't feel like moving an inch. He was at his mom's house, Oreo cuddled at his side. Oreo's head laid in Jake's lap. "Oreo, are you okay?" He asked and Oreo moved her head in response. Jake nearly sighed in relief. Fear had just flooded him all of a sudden. He was so unprepared for what he wanted to do. Asking Drew out was nerve wracking but he wanted to do it so bad. Milo walked into Jake's room, leaning against the door frame with Mason at his side. "Daddy!" Mason called, jumping on Jake. "Hi, buddy. How are you?" Jake asked, still tired and fuzzy. "Great, how are you?" Mason replied and Jake pats his head. "Tired." He responded and Milo smirked. "So, I heard from Hailey you're asking Drew out." Milo smiled and Jake groaned.

Hailey told Milo everything Jake did anymore. She fueled him with ammo to shoot Jake with. Every time Jake messed up a line, or every time Jake did anything remotely embarrassing, Milo knew. Hailey made sure of that. "Yes, I am. What of it?" Milo smirked. "It's about time you realized." He said and Jake just sighed. "Whatever, I am just asking him out, I don't know how it'll go." Milo sat down on the bed as Mason hugged Jake's neck. "How'd he do?" Jake asked and Milo just shrugged. "Fine, there's nothing to report." Milo sighed. "How was the tour?" He asked and Jake shrugged. "Fine, I missed home though." Jake said and smiled. "I'm exhausted from that flight though." He said and aced an arm dramatically over his eyes. "Hmm, I'm tired." He hummed, hoping hid son and brother would take the hint. Mason and Milo stayed put and Jake groaned. "Oh my God, I'm trying to sleep, both of you, get out!" Jake said, finally getting up and walking them out if his room and locking the door.

Jake got up, stretching and yawning. "I feel so much better!" He smiled and walked out of his room, Jane grinning as soon as she saw him. "Jake." She said, and ruffled his messy bedhead as he sat down. "Good morning, do you feel okay?" She asked, petting Oreo who stood beside Jake. "Yeah, much better than when we got off the plane." Jake smiled. Milo frowned. "So, when do you plan to ask out Drew?" He smiled. Jake blushed and groaned. "MILO SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Jake grumbled and Jane chuckled. "It's okay Jake, I've known you liked him." She grinned and Mason gave his father a confused look. "It's nothing for you to worry about, Mason." Jake said, ruffling his son's hair.

Jake paced around his room, waiting for the right moment to call Drew. He didn't know how to phrase it. He took a deep breath and decided to get it over with. He called Drew and let the breath go. "Hey, Jake." Drew said and Jake smiled. "Hey, I'm calling to meet up with you. I was thinking this Friday afternoon at the park?" Jake asked and Drew chuckled from over the phone. "Sure, you sound excited." He said and Jake blushed. "Oh, come on, you are too! I haven't seen you in forever, it's been so long." Jake whines and Drew laughed. " Okay, Okay! So, what time? Let's say 5?" Drew asked and Fiona shouted at Derek in the background. "Love, I'm on the phone, okay?" Drew said softly and Derek sighed. "What a great help you are, Daddy Dearest!" Derek said.

Jake giggled and smiled. "Fiona's quite rowdy." He noted and he could hear Drew's eyeroll. "Shut up, Jake. So, how was the tour?" Drew asked and Jake smiled. "Oh, it was great! We had a lot of fun and some band drama but we're okay." Jake said and then proceeded to tell Drew everything.

"Oh, wow. That's a lot." Drew said and Jake laughed. "Right?" He said and Drew sighed. "I'll pass on that kind of drama again." He said and Jake smiled. "Truly."

Drew was busy. He was getting ready for seeing Jake again and he was so excited! His heart was racing and he was trying so hard not to smile! He was so giddy and hus heart was fluttering so fast that he had to sit down and breathe for a minute.

When Drew saw Jake, he ran over so fast.  Jake wrapped his arms around Drew and grabbed his arm as they split. "Let's go, I have something to show you." He said and led Drew by the hand to a picnic. The sun was setting and tje picnic looked amazing. After Drew's long day at work, this seemed heavenly. And he could tell from the scents that Jane made them. Oh, Drew was drooling for sure. Jake chuckled at the sight. "Drew, before we eat, I just wanna say something."

Jake took a deep breath and Drew raised an eyebrow curiously, narrowing his eyes nervously. "I-I like you, will you g-go out with me?" Jake asked.

Drew's eyes widened as many different feelings swirled throughout his body.


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