Calm before the Storm

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(A lot time has passed after the the last chapter)

(Nora is running around testing her speed)

Ben: And... time!

(Nora stops near Ben)

Nora: What's my score?

Ben: Take a look.

(Ben shows Nora the tablet)

Ben: You beat your personal best.

Nora: No way! With these results, I'm as fast as uncle Wally.

Ben: See... the training is helping you.

Nora: Well... (she gets closer to Ben) I do have a good training partner.

Ben: I thought I was the teacher?

Nora: Nope. I am.

(Nora pulls Ben in for a kiss)

Nora: Any objections?

Ben: Nope. Not from me.

Nora: Great.

(Nora and Ben kiss for a minute until he gets a text on his phone)

Ben: Sorry, it's probably important. Not more important that you. I mean-

Nora: (laughs) Ben, relax. I get what you're saying.

(Ben smiles at Nora and he looks at his phone)

Ben: My Mom wants to know when you're coming over for dinner.

Nora: Are they finally back in town?

Ben: Yeah, I've been getting calls from her nonstop. She really wants to meet you.

Nora: I can't wait to meet her.

Ben: Yeah...

Nora: What's wrong?

Ben: Let's just say my parents can be... very energetic.

Nora: If I can handle meeting my young parents, I'm pretty sure I can handle meeting your parents.

Ben: True.

Nora: Wanna go back to Plumber base?

Ben: Sure.

(Nora speeds herself and Ben to Plumber base)

(Plumber base)

(Nora appears with Ben)

Kevin: You know, with all of the crazy things I've seen. I figured I would be used to seeing things like this.

Gwen: Like we'll ever get used to seeing this kind of stuff.

Ben: There's always surprises out there.

Kevin: Speaking of surprises. I have a surprise for you guys.

Ben: What?

Kevin: An old contact of mine told me he saw a bunch of Forever Knights hiding in one of their old bases. What do you say?

Ben: I'm in.

Gwen: Me too.

Kevin: Nora?

Nora: I can't, I promised to talk to Blukic and Driba about my future tech and in return they will tell me some of their secrets.

Ben: Make sure you don't let them test you. They really love testing things. And people.

Nora: I promise, I won't let them put a needle near me.

(Nora kisses Ben)

Nora: I'll see you for dinner.

(Nora speeds off)

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