Chapter 10

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Astrid had woken up from her restless sleep. Saying that Astrid had a challenging time sleeping was an understatement. Throughout the night Astrid had constantly woken up shortly after falling asleep. Astrid is confident that last night's rest was the worst slumber she had ever had. For most of the night, her mind was going over the moment Hiccup had unknowingly revealed to everyone that he was still alive. Astrid is deeply disappointed that Hiccup had made not only her, but everyone in Berk believes that he had passed away. Astrid could not fathom why anyone would abandon their own home and people for the dragons. The same dragons that had tormented the Vikings for three centuries. Just the thought made Astrid's stomach crawl in repulsion.

When Astrid's mind was not going over what Hiccup had done. Astrid's thoughts would go toward Valka. Astrid had not known Stoick's wife personally, but the stories that Hilda had told Astrid made Valka sound like a wonderful person. So, why did not only Hiccup make everyone in Berk believe that he died but also why did Valka do the same thing? Did they not care that people mourned their so-called 'deaths?' Judging by what they did Hiccup and Valka make them seem like they didn't know care about the consequences of their actions.

Another thing that confused Astrid was that Hiccup had been crafting her axes. Astrid gets up from the ground as the shieldmaiden has been curious about how long the former heir had been doing this. And why had she never received any axes? Then, another theory came to Astrid's mind. What if Hiccup was trying to use the axes, he made to win her over?

Just thinking about that made Astrid want to give Hiccup the beating of his life. The only reason that Astrid wasn't attempting to assault Hiccup was because of his pet Night Fury. 'Toothless' has Hiccup called the Night Fury seems to be overprotective of Hiccup. This raises the question that Astrid desperately wanted to be answered. How did Hiccup even get his pet dragon?

Night Furies are so dangerous that the Book of Dragons cautiously states to avoid this species of dragons without fighting if you want to live to see it the next day. Astrid is having a challenging time imagining a small Hiccup being able to tame this beast. Sadly, Astrid wouldn't be able to ask Hiccup how he was able to get a pet Night Fury of all things.

Astrid had known about Hiccup's feelings for her while the former heir had lived in Berk. Astrid never thought that Hiccup would try to bribe her with weapons. Did Hiccup think that Astrid was some price to win like Snotlout? That Astrid would be nothing more than a homemaker? If Hiccup did think that about Astrid? Hiccup is certainly wrong.

Growing up Astrid appreciated that Hiccup never tried to flirt with her like Snotlout. Astrid hadn't ever been more disappointed with anyone than she was with Hiccup. How could Hiccup run away to fake his death and have everyone in Berk believe he died? That was unforgivable in the eyes of Astrid. When does Astrid get her human body back? Astrid is going to make Hiccup pay for the mess that he made.

Underneath all of Astrid's anger, disappointment, and confusion she is deeply hurt. Astrid had spent the past six years blaming herself for the death of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third. Astrid recalls all the nightmares where she couldn't save Hiccup from a gruesome death. Astrid then realizes that all the guilt, sorrow, and misery she dealt with by not saving Hiccup was for nothing.

Astrid left the den and the instant she was outside she heard a cheerful and innocent voice call out to her, "Good morning, Auntie Astrid." Astrid recognizes Dart's voice. Astrid turns her head towards the right, and she spots Dart making her way toward Astrid.

"I'm not your aunt, kid," Astrid replied. That was another thing that Astrid couldn't comprehend. Dart had called Hiccup her uncle. Hiccup had gotten so close to the family of Toothless' that they view Hiccup as family. The idea that Hiccup was family to these destructive animals made Astrid's anger boil over again.

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