Chapter 9 reflect

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"Because if Berk doesn't help in the battle that's coming? Everyone that you ever knew or loved would perish. So, I had no other choice but to do what I did." Frida told Astrid in a severe tone.

"What the hell do you mean?" Astrid demanded an answer from Frida. What had the witch meant when she said Berk had to help in an unknown battle? What had this so-called battle had anything to do with the curse placed on Berk? Did anything that came out of Frida's mouth make any sense? Why did the witch always say things vaguely? These are the questions running through Astrid's mind now.

"You'll see when the time comes. But, until that time comes, I bid you goodbye," Frida once again answered vaguely.

"Wait a damn minute! You can go before answering my questions!" Astrid loudly demanded, fed up with the witch's lack of answering questions.

"If I'd answered all your questions? It will take away from the lesson that you guys need to learn. And I wouldn't be so sure about me not being a caring person, Astrid. What I want is peace between both Dragons and humans? But sometimes, in life, we must learn lessons the hard way. Despite how cruel it may seem sometimes," Frida replied. Frida truly hated doing this to the citizens of Berk. But with how stubborn they could be, she was left with no choice but to do what she had done. Even if they view her as the villain, Frida had to do this for the safety of others and the protection of everyone. So Frida would snap her fingers, and she would disappear.

Astrid howled in pure rage that the witch had disappeared again. Astrid could not bring herself to trust what Frida had told her. Frida is a witch that placed a curse among the Berkians. Astrid had failed to hear a specific hatchling sneak towards her. Instead, Dart had ever so slowly crept into the cave Astrid had been sleeping. "Hello, Astrid," the young dragon greeted once she had successfully snuck beside Astrid.

Astrid jumped from being startled, all the while Dart giggled at Astrid. "Don't do that again, kid? Besides, what're you doing here anyway? Are your parents okay with you being near me?" Astrid questions the young dragon, not amused that she was startled. Astrid may not have known much about Toothless and Sol. But Astrid knows by both dragon parents' demeanors they are not interested in their daughter being friends with her. And besides, it was not like Astrid wanted any dragon to be her friend, to begin with anyway.

"Mama, Papa is most likely asleep right now. So, I sneaked away to get to know you." Dart replied to Astrid's questions.

Deciding to be an adult in this situation, Astrid would say, "I don't think that is a clever idea, kid. Eventually, your parents would figure out that you sneaked away. I believe that you should go back to where you were before you came here. You don't want them to be worried when they wake up and see that you're not where you're supposed to be?"

"Fine, I'll leave. But only if you promise to play with me in the morning," Dart responded. The Nightlight was not going to give up on her quest of learning about Astrid. The young dragon knows just the place where she and Astrid could play without her parents or brothers knowing.

"Sure, I'll play with you tomorrow," Astrid lied to the young dragon. Astrid had no intention of keeping this promise. All the shield-median wanted was to be left alone, so she could hopefully be asleep to get a good night's rest. Astrid had not felt great about lying like that. But Astrid wanted to be left alone as it was a long day for her.

Dart, not the wiser, believed what Astrid said. "Great, I'll see you in the morning, Astrid," Dart says as she excitedly runs towards the exit. Dart could not wait to learn more about her new aunt.

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