Chapter 1

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It was a snowy night in New Berk. Not a soul was out, as most villagers were sound asleep. Then, finally, we find a tiny hut where two young children have difficulty falling asleep in their grandparent's cabin. The names of the children are Zephyr and Nuffink Haddock. The two were the children of Hiccup and Astrid Haddock, the chief and chiefness of their tribe.

Zephyr was the eldest of the two. She had auburn hair like her father's. She also had sapphire eyes like that of her mother's. Like her father, she was very resourceful when Hiccup was younger. Like building dragon traps to prevent any dragons from entering her home. That Hiccup always seemed to walk into, to his dismay. The surprise for any dragon that might attack her house because; Zephyr was afraid that a dragon would harm her or, most importantly, her family. This fear had begun when she had found the old Book of Dragons hidden in her grandpa Stoick's stuff. But she also wanted to be skilled at fighting like her mother. So if the dragons do come back and attack the village? She would be ready to defend those that she loves.

Nuffink was the youngest in the Haddock household. He had blonde hair like his mother's. He had pair of emerald green eyes like his father's. He was a rowdy little boy, always hyperactive. But, his innocence radiated like the sun's rays. He had a strange habit of banging his head on random stuff. His parents could not figure out if it were a Haddock or Hofferson trait. But, the young boy was like his father when he got curious—always wanting to learn about the world around him.

When the children were trying to fall asleep, their grandmother, Valka Haddock, had come to check on them. Opening the door to the room, Valka asked, "Little ones are you asleep yet?" See, it was Stoick and Valka's turn to watch over their grandchildren, while both Hiccup and Astrid were on an alliance meeting in the Berserker tribe, so the two could not bring their children with them, unfortunately.

The original dragon rider knows her grandchildren were highly upset they could not go with their parents. They were going as far as wishing that they were not the chief and chiefness. Sure, her son and daughter-in-law tried their absolute best to always be there for their children, but the job of running an entire village was a daunting task. So they always made sure to spend time with Zephyr and Nuffink.

"Gramma, we can't fall asleep. Would you please tell us a story? Dad always reads to us or tells us a story. So when the both of us can't fall asleep?" Zephyr requested, giving Valka her best puppy dog eyes.

Giggling, the older woman gives in to her granddaughter's request. "Alright, what story do you two want me to tell?" Valka asked her grandchildren. Oh, how she loved her two grandkids. She had always heavily regretted not being there for her son's childhood, but she is very grateful that he has allowed her in his life after missing the first fifteen years. Now she has two beautiful grandchildren who would never leave like her son.

"Can the story have dragons?" Nuffink asked his grandmother. He was curious as he had always heard stories that there were dragons by his father. Yet, he had never seen one before. On the other hand, Zephyr would never admit it aloud, but she was scared of hearing a story about dragons, as Zephyr believed that since she was the oldest child, she should be the fearless one between both children.

"Sure, sweetie," Valka response to her grandson. She was trying to think of a story to tell the two young children. Then an idea for a story that she was sure Hiccup had not told them yet. She did not want to tell the children a story they might have already heard before. "Has your father ever told you two the story of how he became the chief?" Valka added by asking her two grandchildren. She also thought that maybe a story about how her grandchildren's parents got together would uplift their spirits from being left behind by their parents.

"Me don't think dad told us that story," Nuffink replies to his grandmother.

"Yeah, he hasn't told us that." Zephyr also replied to her grandma.

"Well, it all started sixteen years ago." Valka starts telling how Hiccup and Astrid became a couple and how Hiccup became chief of New Berk. We begin with how our story begins.

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