Boiling Salt Water

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Please excuse the Billy Idol jump scare 😃. I'd recommend playing this song once Sasha turns it on while shes on her way to the beach.

"Sash I'm serious what should I do?" Marcy groaned

"It's kind of ironic you're asking me about something like this." I say

"Jade tried to kiss me and I ran away. I will literally take any advice right now."

"Mar there's nothing I can do, you guys need to communicate, I know that more than anyone. You still haven't told me how you even felt about it..."

"What like the kiss?" Marcy said quietly

"No your opinion on the color orange, of course the kiss." I reply sarcastically

Marcy sighed "It's all so quick, I genuinely didn't have feelings for her before this."

"Well what matters is how do you feel now?"

I could hear Marcy pacing around her room "I don't know! I feel like I'm seeing her in a totally different light."

I laughed "That's something I can't really help with. I've liked Anne since forever."

"Wow thanks Sash." Marcy said

My tone turned serious "Okay listen, just type out a paragraph explaining your feelings. She obviously cares enough to listen right?"

"Yeah she does, and I care about her don't get me wrong. I've just never considered it since she lives in another state."

"Tell her that dude."

"Fine, okay, thanks Sash you actually do have good advice!" Marcy said enthusiastically

I scoffed "Wow thanks, I'm glad you discovered that about me."

"You know what I mean, love you byeeee!"

That was kind of a lot for a Sunday morning, but I'm glad Jade and Marcy are keeping it interesting while she visits. I kind of felt jealous, recently things with Anne have been so confusing, irritating, and about everything else so Marcys situation just seemed so straight forward. I realize that's ironic because that's probably what Marcy is thinking when I tell her about Anne and I, but I guess everyone sees situations differently.That's something I had to learn in the past few months, not everything is exactly how you see it.

Hence why Anne and I have actually began to hangout again, insane I know. Not out of school yet but I'll get to that. Recently it's just been me driving us to school, or small conversations walking to class. It's more than I could've asked for if I considered where this all started off at. I'm finally getting my other best friend back, and I'm trying my best to keep my feelings out of it.

I'm probably overthinking it, but I thought why not go to the beach? It's been years since I've gone and I mean we live in LA. It's an excuse to hangout somewhere other than School, and most likely Anne would be down. And I'm always excited to get a tan, even though I'm not fully glam anymore.

Oh but another thing, I know now that our calamity powers are related to each other without a doubt. We've talked about it very briefly and we've both had situations where they just pop up out of nowhere ever since I've come back. It's more of a nuisance than anything, but while talking I realized I've never seriously considered what this means for us. If we have calamity powers is there a possibility of going back to Amphibia? I mean would we even want too? It's odd to think Anne and I are still linked to it somehow. I know Marcy wishes she still had powers, and if I could give her mine I would.

Little blurs of old dreams from middle school still get into my head sometimes, but it's never in my dreams now. I'll be doing something completely unrelated and all of a sudden it'll hit me like nostalgia. Kind of like little bits that my brain wants me to remember. And and I never talked about that with Anne, but I wondered if she was having dreams, or having the same thing I was. I still definitely wanted to find out what was going on, but Anne and I both had no clue where Terri or any other person was now.

I love you again, (Sashanne)Where stories live. Discover now