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Poor planning on my part, but in the previous chapter I mentioned "falling leaves" when the season the story is taking place in right now is early summer. Totally my bad! Haha

I felt the air beneath my feet (well sock and shoe), and the country breeze in my hair. I knew this was Amphibia and how I remembered it, well at first. The green fields and giant bugs were all recognizable but the buildings looked ancient, like the carvings we'd find in the calamity caves. The architecture spread across the rolling hills and snowy mountains. I realized I was flying above everything, but how? I looked down at my hand to see four long fingers that were definitely not human. I was startled at first but my conscious made it feel familiar. My body was on fire, the exact sensation I felt when I went blue. Was I blue? I definitely was blue. And that's how I was flying.

I flew down towards the homes on the northern side of Amphibia. It looked like some sort of frog village but it looked nothing like Wartwood. I was astounded at the population of this one. Almost millions of homes and tents were scattered across the moist land. I blinked and everything suddenly changed around me. Red flames burned through the tents and homes that were once bright green along the countryside. The damp swamp suddenly became a chaos filled war-zone, and I found myself running trying to find someone. Something inside me paused as I saw woman in a red cloak floating in the center of the giant town. She turned around to see me and she wasn't a woman but a frog. Startled I stepped back and fell hitting my head.

A familiar voice rang in my ear "Anne get up"

"What Sasha" I groaned

Sasha chuckled "Get up"

"Wait Sasha?!" I said suddenly sitting straight up

"We're going to Marcy's convention thing remember?" Sasha replied

I rolled out of bed "Oh yeah sorry"

Sasha raced around my room rearranging my shelves. She always did this when she came over because she loved organizing believe it or not. I studied her short hair she had cut a few days ago and I definitely approved. It framed her sharp jaw perfectly and if she didn't look cool enough before, she looked super cool now.

"Hey what are you looking at?" Sasha remarked

I grinned "Just admiring my Black Pink poster behind you."

"Aw man, that's a real shame." Sasha said coming over

I gulped, Sasha was always unpredictable even before we were dating, I closed my eyes tightly shut.

"Here you have massive bedhead." Sasha said taking ahold of my hair

"Oh I thought you were gonna pull something." I said relieved

"Almost forgot thanks" Sasha said casually

Sasha grabbed my cheek with her rough hands and gently kissed me. That was a feeling that would never get old, like ever. Sasha carried on gently combing through my hair with her fingers and using water  to make it more manageable. I remember when I first taught her how to do my type of hair, we were maybe eleven and my Mom even ended up getting involved. Ever since then she's done it whenever she's wanted too and that's pretty often.

I felt myself leaning back into her from a restless nights sleep. I remembered vivid images of Amphibia on fire, and the feeling of flying, One way better than the other. I thought of if I should mention it to Sasha but I think she'd just be concerned. I know how it's been hard for her coming back so I really don't want to ruin this moment.

"You almost were on Marcy's level of bed head for a second there." Sasha said putting my hair in a ponytail

I rolled my eyes "Not everyone wakes up looking like a model."

I love you again, (Sashanne)Where stories live. Discover now