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I woke up earlier than usual and saw my phone had some notifications

Calamity Cuties🥰💕

Anna Banana💕: Goodmorning :))

Mar Mar❤️: Morning Anne!

I thought a while on what to say and ended up thinking of the perfect thing.

Sashimi💖: hi

Mar Mar ❤️: Good morning Sash!

Anna Banana💕: Hiiiiii morning Sash 😊

Sashimi💖: 👍

I mean it wasn't a lot but it was a start. I looked around my room and saw my old cheerleading medals.

Sashimi💖: Hey do you guys know when school starts?

Anna Banana💕: Ew how dare you bring that up 🤢

Mar Mar❤️: It starts in a week 👍

Anna Banana💕: ARE YOU FR??!!!!??

After screaming into my pillow I typed out a response.

Sashimi💖: Dude I am not prepared for this at all 💀

Anna Banana💕: tell me about it I lost all of my school stuff in Amphibia 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Mar Mar❤️: let's all go school shopping together! 😀

I sat and thought about it for a moment, what do I have to lose?

Sashimi💖: Sure let's do it

Anna Banana💕: yessss second hangout with the gang back together 🥰😚

After figuring out all the details it was decided we'd go down to the store by Anne's families restaurant. I had a few hours before this so I thought I might as well do some more cleaning.

After putting a few loads in the washer I decided to pick up the trash scattered around, and before I knew it my room looked half decent. It was time to start getting ready so I picked out a sweater, some shorts and a tank top. I put on a few accessories including a friendship bracelet Anne had made me.

I headed downstairs to grab breakfast and told my Mom where I was going and she of course replied with a nod. After that I got some money from her wallet again and met Marcy and Anne in front of the Thai restaurant.

"You girls ready for some fun!" Anne said excitedly

"Yeah as fun as buying pencils can be." I replied sarcastically

"Yeah if we get the fun mechanical ones!" Marcy said

Both Anne and I laughed and headed over to the office supply store.

When we walked in we noticed a pretty popular group I used to hang out with before everything happened. I panicked and tried to avoid eye contact but I should've known that literally never works.

"Sashy!!" A girl with straight brown hair in a Brandy Melville dress said running up to us.

I mentally prepared myself as she sprinted over to us.

I love you again, (Sashanne)Where stories live. Discover now