Our Dynamic

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"Marcy I don't know about that..." I say

Marcy scoffed "Anne seriously, she asks about you I'm not kidding, I'm sick of being you and Sasha's messenger."

"So I'm not going crazy I really saw her the other day?" I ask

"Sasha's pretty hard to miss Anne, she drives a red convertible." She replied

I laughed "Yeah that was a stupid question, anyway what do I do?"

"I can't answer that, I know you have an idea in mind." Marcy said

I throw myself on my bed dramatically "Ugh, like what? I'm not smart like you Marcy!"

"You can say that again, come on Anne you're 16 now." Marcy groaned

"I'm sorry Mar, you're right." I said "um, anyway what's going on with you?"

"Jade and I are playing Genshin." Marcy dryly replied

"I can't believe you're still talking to her." I reply

Marcy laughed "We became good friends those last few months, I just never got the chance to tell you guys because of all the drama."

I got out my laptop to work on some Biology homework while we talked. "Well are you guys..?"

Marcy gasped "Anne you know me better than to e-date."

I chuckled "I'm not gonna forget about unicorn23 on Roblox in 6th grade."

"I hate you" Marcy said laughing

"For real though, are you guys gonna meet up or anything?" I questioned

Marcy paused for a second, "Well yeah..."

"For real?!" I screamed

"Yeah, we're meeting halfway at a convention in a few weeks, I'm also saving up to see you guys sometime in July."

"I'm so hyped for that! I just, how is that gonna work?"

"Well you guys need to make up by then, obviously." Marcy says

I groan "Yeah like it's that easy."

Marcy Sighed "You guys haven't changed at all."

"Sasha totally has, I heard she sits with the cheerleaders! She's totally a whole social level above me." I say hastily

"Shut up Anne, she says the same thing about you with student council and everything."

I scrunch my eyebrows "Wait, how does she know I'm on student council?"

Marcy squeaks "Oh god I've said too much, love you bye!"

My voice suddenly sounds like one of the chipmunks "Wait Marcy!"

I stare blankety for a few moments,

"Unbelievable" I say to myself, I'll probably never get that out of her. I look down at my Biology homework and impulsively crash my head into the loose papers. I thought back to our conversation and remember my glaring problem.

Sasha Waybright

What gives her the right to just show up out of nowhere? I guess that's a stupid question in itself I mean it's Sasha. To me it didn't even look like the Sasha I grew up with or the Sasha I "dated" in middle school. She had salon blonde hair just above her shoulders and wore grey sweatshirts and ripped jeans. She had her red converse she had worn the whole week along with her mini-hoop earrings. The fact I knew all that was actually really weird. I was thinking of all of this, being aware that she probably hasn't thought of me once since she's been back. Well except the one time we actually saw each other while she was driving out of the parking-lot.

I love you again, (Sashanne)Where stories live. Discover now