Saturday, November 3, 2007

265 16 0


I slept wonderfully. I wake up feeling even better now, in Valerie's arms. Who is gently caressing my back. I snuggle closer to her, if at all possible. " Good morning honey". I lift my head off her chest so I can look at her. She immediately shifts her attention from her phone to me. " Good morning". I can hardly get it out with my still sleepy voice. Valerie gets a nice smile on her face and gives me a kiss on my forehead. " Slept good?". I nod and lay my head back on her chest. "It's just way too early." She kisses me on the head. "It's already eleven o'clock, Lis". I grip her a little tighter. "Yes, so much too early". I can feel Valerie smiling. She starts caressing my back again and lets me wake up quietly. This is something I can really get used to.

"Have you been awake long?". I ask when I start to wake up a bit after a few minutes. "An hour or so I think". I get up and sit on top of her. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" She shrugs and puts her phone aside. "I actually had time to read something again. But most of all I was enjoying the moment". she says as she sits up. She puts her hands on my hips and pulls me close to her. I put my arms around her neck. "I can get used to this". she says softly. " Me too". I say with a big smile on my face. " What is that?". She asks a bit surprised, when I turn my head away for a kiss from her. "I just woke up, so I haven't brushed my teeth yet". Valerie puts a hand in my face and turns it so that I face her again. "Then you have to do that very quickly or you shouldn't care about it". I shake my head with a smile. "So what will it be?". Before she gets even more impatient I already have my lips on hers. " That's better". she says with shinning eyes. "I think it's time to freshen up and go downstairs. I can already smell the bacon". I nod and climb off Valerie to stand up.

We went to the bathroom together to brush our teeth. "Did your mornings with Sander go like this?". Valerie looks at me through the mirror and shakes her head. "We didn't sleep in the same bed". I look at her in surprise. Valerie rinses her mouth. Then she leans her back against the sink and looks at it with a smile. "Have you never noticed that we had our own bedroom?". I shake my head. "Upstairs I only entered the bathroom and Rose's bedroom". She nods in understanding. "Then you know that now. As far as I can remember, you're the only one I woke up next to in the morning. Which I like very much. If it's up to me, we can make that a standard." I nod with a big smile on my face. "I won't say no to that. How did you guys do that if, well, you know. Did he just come into your bedroom?" Valerie sighs. Then she walks out of the bathroom.

I quickly rinse my mouth and wash my face. Then I go back to the bedroom. Valerie sits on the edge of the bed. I stand in the doorway and lean against the door frame. "I'm sorry Val. I shouldn't have asked." She shakes her head. She taps the bed next to her. I slowly walk over to her and take a seat next to her. She rests her head on my shoulder. I put an arm around her and gently caress her arm. "I didn't want it in my bed anyway." she says softly. I kiss her on the head. "If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to." Valerie stands up. She walks to the window and stares outside. After a few minutes she looks back. "It's cold here alone". I get up. I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. "This is much better". she says softly. I kiss her temple and then rest my chin on her shoulder. "I often managed to refuse with some excuse." She starts talking after a few minutes of silence. "Only sometimes I really had to, in order to keep the peace a bit. Then I went to his bedroom for about five minutes. After that I didn't know how fast I had to take a shower. And then fall asleep crying." I grip her even tighter. I give her several kisses on her temple. I feel my own tears burning. "I don't quite know what to say. Only that I really feel bad for you, that you had to go through that for years". Valerie turns in my arms. She rests her forehead against mine. I see the tears in her eyes, but she looks at me with a sweet smile. "Fortunately, that time is now over. Maybe all this was necessary to meet you. If so, so be it. I am so happy with you, Melissa". Now I can't hold back my tears. I know what she wants to say with that and therefore know very well that I cannot hear or pronounce it in any other way. "I am also very happy with you, Valerie". I can barely finish my sentence before our lips are together. This kiss feels so much better than yesterday's kisses. I had no idea that was still possible. This time it also tastes a bit saltier. Through the tears of Valerie and me.

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