Wednesday, October 31, 2007

244 17 1


I lie on the couch and stare at the ceiling. Actually, like Emma, I should do my homework, but I really don't feel like it. "Still haven't talked to Val?". I shake my head. "I'm just not in the mood. Let her have a nice talk with that Charlotte". I hear Emma laughing. "Are you really that jealous?" I shake my head. "She is quite right too. I can't give Val what Charlotte can do". She throws a pillow at my head. "You know as well as I do that Valerie is not interested in that". Sighing, I sit up straight. "Then why is she responding to her?" Emma looks at me with a smile. " Suppose we haven't spoken to each other for years and I suddenly send you a message. What would you do?". I shrug. " No idea. I will probably respond to it." Emma looks at me like do you see my point. " Okay okay. Maybe you're right and I shouldn't be acting like this. Now that we're working on couples therapy. What is that tension that hangs between you and Anne?". I can see the fear in Emma's eyes.

I shouldn't have asked, but I'm in a bad mood. I don't feel like talking about Valerie and myself now either. "W-What do you mean?". I give her a small smile. Emma sighs. " What do I have to tell you?". I shrug. " You tell me. From the beginning of the school year there is a tension between you. Valerie noticed it the first week. I didn't want to believe it at first until I saw you in a room together. I also feel that Anne is the reason for your mood". Which hasn't been too good for a few weeks. "Anne and I ran into each other on holiday in Canada. Three days before she went home. We spent those days together. Nothing special or anything. Just going to the beach, shopping and stuff like that. It was really fun. I didn't realize it at the time, but when she was gone I missed her and realized that I really liked her after all. We had no contact after that. We exchanged numbers, but I don't dare text her. Anne doesn't send me anything either, so she probably won't feel the same way. We first saw each other at school. Yes I can feel that tension too. I didn't tell you because I feel stupid." I look at her questioningly. " How so? There's no need for that anyway." She shrugs. " Anne ignores me all the time. Every time I walk her way she quickly walks the other way or says she doesn't have time. I feel stupid because I really thought we both had fun on vacation. If only as friends, but I'm starting to think more and more that I saw it very differently. That I was a burden to her those days". I give her a small smile. "I think you haven't been wrong. I see how Anne looks at you and how she reacts when you walk in somewhere. You really need to talk to each other." Emma sighs "I've given up on that in the meantime. Anne is clearly not waiting for that". I get up. "I have an idea". Emma grabs my wrist. " What are you up to?". I give her a smile. "Just send Jack a message that he doesn't have to pick you up". She looks at me questioningly. "I'll arrange a ride home for you." Emma doesn't know how fast to get up. "Mel, that doesn't make sense." I nod. "She can't run away from you like that." She sighs. "Okay, but only if you make it up with Val".

Reluctantly, Emma follows me into the kitchen. Not that I'm very excited to see Valerie, but I'd like to help Emma. Valerie looks surprised when we enter the kitchen. She tries to look at me as sweetly as possible. If I keep looking at it, I'll have forgiven her our fight before we even talked. I quickly turn my gaze to Anne. "Sorry to disturb you, but Emma doesn't have a ride home. Anne, would you mind giving her a ride?". Anne looks at me for a moment and then she looks at Emma. A small smile appears on her face. "Um, I've had too much wine. You can walk with me. I don't like to see you go through the dark alone." I see Valerie looking at Anne in surprise. I shake my head at her when I see she wants to say something. Emma doesn't seem to notice. "That works for me". Anne stands up with a small smile on her face. "I think we better go now. Otherwise it will be very late". Emma nods. "I'll pack my things."

I walked with Emma back to the living room. " Thank you". I look at her with a smile. " Your welcome. I think Anne didn't mind too much either". I now also see a smile appearing at Emma. "I actually got that idea too. Maybe I should have given her wine sooner". I shake my head with a smile. I don't know what the reason is, but I'm glad my plan worked out. At least now Emma has the chance to talk to Anne. "I'll find out tomorrow how it went." Emma gives me a hug. "If I'm not there tomorrow, you know it didn't go so well." She lets go of me. I give her an understanding nod. "But I'm not so afraid that things won't go well. Just tell her what you have to say to her. The worst that can happen is she doesn't feel the same way, but I have a feeling you're fine. She's not going to suddenly hate you or anything." Emma and I walk to the front door. Valerie and Anne are already waiting there. I say goodbye to Emma and Anne and then walk up the stairs. I hear Valerie sigh, but I don't respond. Upstairs I quickly put on pajamas and then let myself fall on the bed. I'm just putting a movie on it. I'm not going to be able to sleep for the time being.

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