Saturday, January 7, 2006

480 23 0


I wake up on a couch in a strange environment. I really have to look around ten times to see where I am. It's not until I hear some gibberish and look at the playpen in the living room that I know where I am. Apparently I spent the night on Valerie's couch. I get up and walk to the playpen where Rose is playing. I can't resist and lift her out. "Let's go see what your mommy is doing." Rose nods with a big smile on her face. "Mommy dances". I hear soft music coming from, I think, the kitchen, so I walk in that direction with Rose by my hand. " Good morning". I say as soon as I get into the kitchen. I see that Valerie is doing the dishes while dancing. I think it's nice to see. She turns and looks at me with a smile. " Good morning. Slept good?". I nod. Rose immediately walks over to her. "Thanks for letting me sleep." She gives me a nice smile. Valerie lifts Rose up and continues dancing with her on her arm. "I couldn't bring myself to wake you up. Rose didn't wake you up, did she?" I shake my head.

Valerie holds out her hand to me. "Are you dancing with us?" I sit down in a chair at the dining table. "Nope. It is still much too early". With a smile, Valerie shakes her head and continues to dance with Rose in her arms. I look at mother and daughter with a smile on my face. "You don't mind that I took her out of the playpen, do you?". She shakes her head. "I think you love kids don't you?". I shrug. "I think they are cute. They also let you forget about everything else for a while. Does she happen to have a bottle?" She shakes her head with a small smile. " Rose only occasionally gets a bottle of warm milk when she wakes up in the night. But I think she'll probably want another sandwich in half an hour, which you can help her with. So that gives you time to take a shower if you want. The bathroom is upstairs the first door on the right. There is a new toothbrush in the cupboard under the sink that you can use". I look at her a bit unsure. " Thank you. Do you mind if I use your shower?" She shakes her head. " Of course not. There are also clean towels in the bathroom and you can use everything that is there. If you want I can get you some clean clothes from my closet". I shake my head. "That's really not necessary, Valerie. I can handle this for another day." She looks at me with a nice smile and walks towards me. "We will walk with you. Rose, can you show Melissa where the bathroom is?". Rose nods enthusiastically and is then put on the floor by her mother.

Valerie and I follow Rose up close. " As you can see, this is the bathroom. In that cupboard are the new toothbrushes and in that cupboard are the towels". I give Valerie a smile as she points everything out to me. " Thank you". She gives me a small nod. " Shower as long as you like. I will prepare a set of clothes for you in a moment." I sigh. "No, I don't want a discussion. This way you can start the day nice and fresh," she says with a smile, before I can say anything. "Okay, Mrs. van Buren." She shakes her head with a smile. "please don't say that, I have to start listening to that all day from Monday. I'll let you do your thing now. I'll put some clothes on the sink for you and then I'll make breakfast. What do you feel like?". I shrug my shoulders. " do you like eggs?". I nod. "But you don't have to make so much effort for me." She looks at me again with a sweet smile. "I'll decide that myself." She says with a wink and turns around. "I will so put the clothes on the edge of the sink. I'll see you appear downstairs sooner or later." She says just before she leaves the bathroom. I then undress and step into the shower.

When I'm back to the kitchen after a lovely shower, Valerie looks at me shaking her head. "Oh, how stubborn you are." She says when she sees that I just put my own clothes back on. "I put this on clean yesterday. I'm one of those who forget to give it back to you. But thanks anyway." She gives me a small nod. "Sit down. Your breakfast is almost ready." I take a seat at the dining table and less than a minute later there is a plate with a sandwich and fried egg in front of me." Thank you, but you really didn't have to go to that much trouble for me. I would have saved myself with a piece of fruit too ", I say when I see that Valerie herself is eating an apple." It was only a small effort. I had a better breakfast before. Rose was there early this morning ", she says with a sweet smile on her face. Then she puts a plate with a sandwich for Rose on the table, who is sitting next to me." How old is she?" I ask while giving Rose a small piece. " Rose is two. Your experience with little ones? Like I saw you yesterday and just now with her, it looks like you know what you're doing." I nod. "I babysit three children for a while, ages one to four". She gives me a smile. "That explains a lot. No brothers or sisters you have to look after?". I'm a bit scared of that question. Hopefully she doesn't notice. "I-I have a twin sister". I hope it came out somewhat normal. I notice she wants to respond to it. "You brothers or sisters?". She continues to look at me for a moment. "I have a sister who is three years older, Chloe". I'm glad she doesn't go into further detail on me. We will now mainly talk about Rose for a while. She also participates in the conversation in her own way. I think it's funny. Rose tries to say my name, but she can't get it right. Just too cute.

"Let alone Melissa, I will do that later". I shake my head at Valerie. "It's the least I can do." I say as I take my plate and cutlery to the counter and quickly rinse it off. "Any plans for today?". Valerie asks as she takes Rose out of her chair and puts her down on her own two feet. She immediately starts walk around. "I'm going to the park in a bit. By the time Emma wakes up I see her there. I don't know yet what we're going to do." Valerie looks at me a bit surprised. "Are you going to wait for her in the park all this time? It's not that warm outside." I shrug. "I can handle the cold". Valerie continues to look at me for a moment. "What time is Emma awake?". "She is usually at the park around 2 in the afternoon". She looks at her watch. "Melissa it's not even half past ten yet. Aren't you going home first?" I shake my head. "You can't be out in the cold all that time." I give her a smile. "I'll be fine, Valerie. I'm used to it". She sighs and shakes her head. " I know it made better. You can watch TV here or whatever. Then Rose and I will go to the park with you later. Rose can always fall asleep during a walk and a breath of fresh air can do me nothing wrong". I look at her a bit unsure. "You have already done enough for me. I don't want to bother you any more." She puts an arm over my shoulders. "You are not". She kisses my temple and lets go of me. I feel my cheeks turn a little red from what she did. I'm not really a person of this physical contact, but with Valerie I somehow don't find it annoying. Valerie takes Rose into the living room and I follow.

When we get to the living room I look at Valerie a bit unsure. " What is?". I give her a small smile. "Um. I actually wanted to ask yesterday, but then Rose was in bed. May I?". I ask, pointing to the piano in the living room. Valerie gets a big smile on her face. " Of course. Can you play a little?" I shrug. I walk over to the piano and take a seat. I loosen my fingers a little. I sigh and then close my eyes. I'm completely into it right away. When I'm done it's completely silent. Uncertain I turn around. Valerie is looking at me with wide eyes. " Wow. You have real talent. How long have you been playing?" I shrug. "I don't really know any better. Do you play too?" She nods with a smile on her face. "From childhood, but not just the piano. Making music is my favorite thing to do". I get up. "Would you please play something for me?" With a big smile on her face, Valerie walks to the piano. "You don't have to ask me that a second time." I sit on the couch and enjoy Valerie's play. She's really really good. I could listen and watch this all day long. "This is it for now. Rose can't handle it very well if I play for a long time". Unfortunately, Valerie stops after about ten minutes.

We then watched TV for a while and played with Rose. Valerie and I also got to know each other a little better. I'm glad she seems to have figured out not to go on about very personal subjects. I think the most personal thing she's learned about me is that I'm sixteen. Valerie is really a relaxed person to deal with. I don't often say that about anyone. I'm a rather withdrawn person and don't talk to strangers at all. I have Emma and that is enough for me. I don't know how Valerie managed to make me feel so free in her presence anyway. While we only talked to each other for the first time yesterday. I've seen her before, but we never spoke. I don't really know how to explain it, but it just feels very familiar with her somehow. "Earth to Melissa." Shocked I look up at Valerie. We have been walking in silence towards the park for about ten minutes. "Sorry, did you say anything?". She nods with a smile. " Where were you?". I shrug. "Yes sorry I was deep in thought. But what did you say?" "I asked if you couldn't send Emma a message to ask what time she's coming." I shake my head. "I don't have a phone and I don't feel like going to the library". She looks at me questioningly. "There you have computers. If it is really necessary, I can reach her that way by e-mail". She nods in understanding and continues walking in silence. Rose has also stopped babbling and has closed her eyes. I think she's already wonderfully in dreamland.

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