Monday, September 3, 2007

252 18 2


Back in the classroom I sit next to Emma again. " What did you do? ". I look at her questioningly. " Uhm just took some stuff out of her car ". Emma gets a smile on her face. "She would have parked her car far away and the fresh air would have done you good". She gives me a wink. "I just needed a hug from Val". Emma nods in understanding. We hear the door open and Valerie enters the classroom again. "It has visibly not only done you good". I hear Emma say with a laugh. I look at Valerie who has a big smile on her face. "I hand out the exam planning for the first six months. I hope we can start sticking to it". When Valerie has placed the paper on my table, she gently runs her fingers over my arm that is lying on the table. Emma gives me a little shrug on the shoulder. "I saw that". I feel my cheeks turn red and look at her as innocently as possible. " What are you talking about? ". She puts an arm over my shoulders. "Do you still not believe me? That I think that Valerie shares your feelings." I shake my head and am glad the bell rings. Then we can let go of this topic again.

When Emma gets up I look at her questioningly. "Won't you stay here for lunch? ". She shakes her head. "I think you could use it to catch up with the two of you. I know both of you don't discuss certain things in front of me. Valerie also has some news for you ". I look at her questioningly, but before I can react a pizza box is in front of me. "Aren't you staying? ". Emma shakes her head at Valerie. "I have arranged to meet Amber and Kim. Which I kind of regret now". she says laughing. "I'll see you later. Enjoy your lunch ". With that said, she walks out of the classroom. Valerie sits down next to me. "I had leftovers from yesterday. Do you like it that way or would you prefer me to warm it up first? ". She says, referring to the half cheese pizza in front of us. "Thank you and I can eat it this way".

In a pleasant silence we start eating. " How was your vacation? ". Valerie breaks the silence after a few minutes. " I have seen many beautiful things during my search and yours? ". She shrugs and remains silent. " Val, how was your vacation? ". We both grab another slice of pizza. Valerie continues to look at me for a moment. " Rather hectic. I am divorced from Sander". I look at her a bit surprised. I know her marriage wasn't great, but I didn't see this coming. "But we'll talk about that another time. Where did you spend the holiday? And what search? ". I sigh. I've been looking for more things, but she don't need to know all of them. "I went to places where I might find my sister." I almost whispers. Judging by Valerie's face, she hadn't seen this one coming. " Did you succeed?". I shake my head. I feel my tears coming and Valerie realizes it too. She immediately wraps an arm around me. I put my face on her neck and let my tears flow for a moment. She holds me tight and regularly kisses my head. "I miss her so much." I say sobbing. "I'm going to help you find her, if you want." I pull away from her and give her a small smile. " Thank you. If I need your help you will hear it. I'd rather not talk about it now." She nods and kisses my forehead.

It has fallen silent and Valerie has been looking at me for a while. " What's wrong? ". She asks with a sigh. I look away from her. "Lis please. I can see from you that there is more". I sigh again and look at her again. "I'm now sleeping by Emma and can stay there until Sunday and then I can't go back to the storage either. They are going to smash it and have to have it empty by Wednesday next week ". Valerie nods in understanding. "Any idea where to go then? ". I shake my head. "I still have until then to come up with something. It will be fine ". I say sighing. Valerie takes my hand. "Come by tonight. Then we can see if we can find a solution together". I give her a small smile. "I have to work tonight". She sighs. "Shit sorry forgot. Still the Monday, Wednesday and Friday? ". I nod. "Still nothing has changed. You really have to pass on that cleaning has to be done every day. So you left Sander? ". She lets go of my hand and nods. "Yes, I should have done that much earlier, but as I said, we will talk about that later". We talk about pleasant things for a long time, especially about Rose. who I really miss. I hate when the bell rings and it's time to go to the next class.

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