chapter 4

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I'm sat in the living room, waiting for meredith. There's a knock on the door. I go to answer it.

I furrow my brows as I see that Evelyn's crying into merediths chest. "Look baby, daddy's here" she points at me. Evelyn wipes her tears. "Daddy?" She says. "What's wrong?" I kiss her head.

"She's been crying all morning because she wanted you and I told her we were coming to see you but she didn't believe me for some reason" meredith rolls her eyes.

I pick her up. She hugs me. "We told you yesterday that you're gonna see me" I say. "But gwandma Ellis said I no allowed" she says. "She just said that because she thought you were being naughty" meredith says.

"You okay?" I look at meredith. She nods, taking a breath. I hug her with my spare arm. "Stressful morning" she hugs me back. We pull away.

"You look beautiful" I say. "Thankyou" she smiles. She's wearing a black dress with black heal boots and her hair is up in a messy bun with pieces pulled out at the front.

"Mommy pwetty" Evelyn says. "Thanks ev" she giggles, kissing her head. "Excuse me young lady" I say. Meredith giggles as Evelyn looks at me. "What about me? Does daddy look good too?" I ask. She nods.

Meredith whispers something into her ear. "Could put effort on to shave though" she says. "You're such a b-i-t-c-h" I push meredith playfully. She giggles.

"You said you liked my stubble" I say. "I'm only joking.. I find it hot" she says. I grin. "Ev, what are you actually doing!?" Meredith giggles as she starts pulling on the top of her dress.

"I hungwy" she tries to pull merediths boob out of her dress. I laugh. "She takes after you" she glares at me. I grin.

"I didn't know you still breastfed?" I say. "I don't.. I stopped a couple of months ago" she says. "I don't think she wants to stop" I chuckle. She giggles, rolling her eyes.

"I'm sure that if you ask grandma very nicely then she'll make you something" I say. "I want miwk" she says tearfully. "Come on mer, take your boobs out" I say. She hits my arm hard. "Ow!" I say. She grins.

"I think we have chocolate milk" I say. She gasps. "I'll get you some" I say. We go to the kitchen. I give her a cup with chocolate milk in it. I sit her on the counter infront of me as she drinks it.

"That good?" I ask. She nods. Me and meredith laugh as we see her milk mustache. I wipe it for her. My mom walks in. "Hi meredith" she smiles. "Hi" meredith says.

"You okay to watch her now, So me and mer can go?" I ask. "Of course" she says. "Go?" Evelyn asks. "Yeah babe, I told you were going out" meredith says. She tears up.

"But you said play with me today" she says. "We're coming back here after" I say. "Oh, weally?" She asks. "Yes" I say. "Okay, you go then" she says. We chuckle.

"Bye ev" I kiss her cheek. She waves at me. Meredith kisses her head. "I wove you mommy daddy" she says. "I love you too" we say in unison. We leave.

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