Preview for Appearances Sake

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So... I started a new book. If you're a fan of Dylan O'Brien, you may want to check it out. It's a grumpy x sunshine, enemies to lovers, fake dating romance designed to make up for my other Dylan O'Brien story I started about four years ago. While my first one (Stuck In The Middle With You, if you want to take a look, it's pretty short, and I don't mind if you laugh) is not the worst thing I've ever read, I've definitely improved since then and after reading that one, I felt like Dylan deserved better.

I am working on another story at the moment on my main profile, so this one won't be regular updates, but I will be uploading it on Fridays when I've got something to upload. Right now, there's one chapter up and another that will be ready by next Friday, but I can't guarantee a weekly update while I prioritise my other story.

So, for those interested, here is a very tiny sneak preview of the first chapter of my new book - Appearances Sake. If you'd like more, you can flick over to the other book now. 


I scroll through my For You Page on TikTok, not listening to the men talking at the meeting.

I don't really need to listen. It's always the same sort of thing by this point.

My talent will speak for itself - that's what my manager promised me when he signed me to this label. But all I've heard since I started recording is - "How will we make her viral?"

I'm so proud of the songs I've done on this album so far, but listening to their marketing ideas has me feeling so... defeated.

Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

I've not done much in my life so far, so no skeletons to use. I'm an average-looking girl. Maybe pretty enough to market with enough makeup - and that's a direct quote. I've got no edge to really push my brand besides just being talented, and these days - according to my label, that's not enough.

"Kate?" My manager Stephen calls my name.

"Hmmm?" I answer. Putting my phone down.

"Have you had any ideas?" He asks me, sounding exasperated.

I look up at him. He's wringing his hands, and the corners of his mouth are moving nervously. His light brown hair is slightly matted with sweat. Dude is stressed.

I glance around at the multiple men and a small handful of women sitting at the table in charge of my future and sigh.

"I mean... I was thinking. Maybe we could try the Ed Sheeran route?" I offer.

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