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Are we still on for our date today?

Date? That's so cute haha.
Did you still want to come over, or should we go somewhere?

Of course it's cute, we're going to be the cutest ship in the fandom 😋
I'll come to yours, be there in a couple of hours! Just going to get supplies.

Okay I'll see you soon then!

* * * *

I stand up from the couch and connect my phone to my speaker, putting on some Chet Faker to listen to while I tidy up my apartment.

I figured Maya and I could watch a movie or something today, but I'm not sure what she had planned or why she's buying supplies.

Not long after the house is cleaned, I hear a knock at the door. I turn my music down so that it's at a nice background music level, and walk to the door.

I open the door, and I see Maya standing in front of me with a big smile, holding up a big shopping bag.

"Maya!" I shout out happily, wrapping my arms around her neck bringing her into a hug.

Maya hugs me back and then pulls away to lift up the shopping bag. A smile grows on her face.

"We're making brownies," Maya says proudly.

I let Maya in, and lead her to the kitchen. As I pull out the mixing bowls and brownie pans, Maya pulls out the brownie ingredients from her shopping bag.

"I love baking," Maya says to me excitedly, and I laugh at how happy she is. It's adorable.

"I love eating baked goods, so this sounds like the perfect thing to do," I say to her with a cheeky smile.

As I preheat the oven and we start measuring out ingredients, I look over at her and start talking.

"How did you go the other day, after our break up scene?" I ask her.

"Good actually! I was going to ask you and Joe to come out for a drink, but I couldn't find you. I ended up going with Natalia, Charlie, Dacre and Robert," Maya says to me, stirring the ingredients together.

"Robert went with you?" I ask her.

"Yeah I asked him... That's okay isn't it?" Maya asks me, a confused look on her face.

"Yeah of course it is! He's been wanting to hang out with you guys for awhile, but was too scared to ask - that's why I was surprised. I'm glad you asked him," I say with smile. I need to remember to call him and ask him how it went.

"I didn't know Dacre was in town yet," I say to her.

"Yeah, he's got to do some costume fittings before his scene. You know how hard they worked to get the jeans the right tightness last season," Maya laughs.

"So did you have a good night?" I ask her

Maya nods.

"Oh yeah, it was tones of fun. We even ended up doing some karaoke. It's too bad you guys weren't there," Maya says.

"I'm sorry we disappeared," I say, helping her pour the brownie batter into the tins.

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