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"Hey," Maya says as she drops down next to me on the couch I'm sitting on in the break room.

I put my book down and look at Maya.

"Hey you," I say with a smile.

"How are you feeling?" She asks me, putting her hand on my leg.

"I'm fine," I say to her with a shrug.

"Why are you hanging around set when you're done for today?" Maya asks me knowingly.

I sigh.

"I don't feel like being alone," I tell her.

"Do you want to go shopping for something to wear tonight?" Maya asks me.

"It's just a dinner party, I can wear something I've already got," I say.

"Come on, I know you'll want to look hot and it will be a good distraction," Maya says, giving me a cheesy smile.

"Look hot? No way. It doesn't matter how I look, especially when I'm going to a dinner party hosted by him and his girlfriend," I tell her, shaking my head.

Maya considers what I've said.

"Well why don't we take Robert shopping, so he can look hot and feel confident when he talks to Dacre," Maya says.

I poke my tongue into the inside of my cheek as I think and then nod.

"Alright, let's find him," I say, getting up and pulling Maya with me by the hand.

* * * *

"I don't know guys," Robert says, standing in front of the mirror with new black jeans, a red tee shirt and a black blazer on.

"Are you kidding? You look hot!" Maya says, looking Robert up and down.

Robert laughs.

"Oh I know I do. But, I don't think it's worth doing all this to impress Dacre," Robert explains wistfully.

Mayas face softens, and she rests her hand on Roberts shoulder.

"It's not just for Dacre. Charlee and I are gonna dress up too. We're going to be the hottest three there, and we're going to have fun," Maya encourages him.

"I do look hot," Robert says, checking himself out in the mirror again.

Maya smiles as she watches him, and I glance between the two of them.

"Hang on," I say.

Maya and Robert turn to look at me.

"I never agreed on dressing up!" I say, looking at Maya.

"Pleeeaaase, for Robert?" Maya pleads with me, pouting her lip.

She can be so hard to say no to.

"Okay fine, but we're getting your outfit next. Robert is that what you're getting?" I ask Robert, and he nods.

After Robert pays for his clothes, the three of us walk into another store, looking for an outfit for Maya.

"Hmmm, dress or power suit?" Maya asks as she shifts through the clothes on the racks.

"Dress," Robert and I say at the same time.

Maya laughs.

"It's both creepy and cool when you two do that. Okay, dress it is, ooh what about this one?" Maya says as she picks up a red dress.

"Try it on!" Robert and I say together, laughing when we realise we did it again.

"It's getting creepier," Maya laughs, walking to the dressing room.

While Maya is trying on the dress, Robert and I lean against the wall outside the dress room.

"You okay?" Robert asks me.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? I'll be fine," I say to Robert.

Robert pulls a face.

"You weren't exactly fine the last time you were in a room together," Robert points out.

"True..." I say quietly, biting my lip.

"What about you? Nervous about talking with Dacre?" I ask him.

Robert shakes his head.

"I'm not actually. I have no expectations, and I don't know... I've had a crush on him for so long, I don't even know if it's real anymore you know?" Robert says, and I nod.

"You guys!" Maya squeals from the dressing room.

Maya pulls back the curtain and jumps out, putting her hands on her hips and spins around slowly. The dress is red and silky, sits above the knees and is tight in all the right places.

"You look incredible," Robert says softly, his eyes looking over her body.

Mayas cheeks redden as she blushes, smiling.

"Thank you," She says to him, before going back in the dressing room to change the room.

I lift my eyebrows at Robert.

"What?" Robert asks me.

"Nothing," I say with a smirk.

"Oh come on," Robert says, rolling his eyes.

I put my hands up.

"I didn't say anything," I say to him, as Maya bounces out of the dressing room again.

"Say what?" Maya asks.

Robert gives me a look.

"We were just discussing whether I should wear a dress," I say to her and Robert looks relieved.

We will definitely be talking about this later.

"Oh, a dress for sure," Maya says to me.

We walk throughout the shop and I shift through the dresses, holding one up every now and then  before deciding no and putting it back.

"Charlee, every dress you've picked up has basically been the same black dress, at least try one on," Robert pleads with me.

"I don't know... Little black dress just seems so cliche, and kind of inappropriate for a dinner party," I say.

"Okay first of all? It's a classic, not a cliche. Second, you'll be no more dressed up than Maya and I," Robert says.

I think about what he says as Maya shifts through the rack.

"What about this one?" Maya asks, holding up a black velvet, mid length dress.

"It's very 90's, and not too long. I kind of love it," I say nodding.

"Try it on already!" Maya exclaims.

I take it from her and walk to the dressing rooms.

(I know this chapter is kind of short, but that's because I already know the next one is going to be quite long! I will try finish the next chapter as soon as I can)

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