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Maya and I were sitting in our usual place on set, huddled together on one of the big couches in the break area.

She was just telling me about how Robert had asked her to meet his family, a huge deal for him, when Joe walked into the room.

For a long time when Joe walked into the room, a sense of dread would hit my stomach and the air would be thick and heavy with tension, like the air before a storm. But now, things were calmer, breezier. I smiled when I saw him.

Joe walked over to the coffee and snack station, making himself a coffee and picking himself up a banana.

"Joe!" Maya called.

He turned around. I gave Maya a look. Yes, things were better between us, but I don't need to draw attention to myself constantly when he's around.

Joe walked over to us and set his coffee down on the table to peel his banana, as he looked to us smiling.

"Ladies," He nodded, "How are you this fine morning?"

"Quite well, thank you," I replied, matching his odd formality.

Maya looked back and forth between us, wide eyed.

"I'm good too, why are we talking like this? Oh my god! Are we doing an old timey episode I hadn't been told about?" Maya asked us, getting worried.

I looked over at her and laughed, shaking my head. Joe joined in.

"Just being silly," Joe told her.

"I'm just happy to see you," He told us both, but was looking directly at me.

Butterflies flew into my tummy. My heart melted like butter and settled in a puddle in my chest. All I could do is smile at him.

Joe teared his eyes away to check his watch.

"I've got to go to hair and makeup now, but it was great seeing you two!" Joe said, picking up his coffee and taking a bite of his banana, before giving us a wink and leaving.

"He seems chipper, what's got into him?" Maya asked, trying to hold back a laugh.

I looked after him, shaking my head. I didn't know, but I was feeling pretty good too.

"Oh my god!" Maya exclaimed.

I nearly got whiplash snapping my head to her to see what is wrong. Her mouth was open, equal parts shock and smile, her eyes wide and glistening.

"Did you go to his house again? Did you have a late night rendezvous?" She whispered to me, her eyebrows wiggling, and her tongue running over her teeth, ready to give me what I'm sure is a series of dirty jokes and innuendos.

Much to her dismay, I shake my head and laugh.

"No! Maybe he's just happy to see me," I smile.

"Ohhh," Maya says, smacking her hand to her forehead as she comes to a realisation.

"Your second kiss scene is today," She smirks.

The butterflies return with full force.

"Do you think that's why he was happy?" I ask, my voice going hoarse.

"Uh, yeah," She says, as though it was obvious.

I bite my lip nervously.

"Are you okay?" Maya asks me.

I quickly nod my head.

"Mhm, yeah," I tell her.

She doesn't believe me, and studies my face.

Method Acting || Joe KeeryWhere stories live. Discover now