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I'm sitting in the chair in the hair and makeup trailer, as Ayla works on my face.

"So are you ready for the big kiss?" Ayla asks me.

"Yeah I guess, it's not a big deal," I say.

"I mean you do have our kiss to top, so that's some pretty big pressure," A voice says.

I turn my head to the door and see Maya grinning, and I laugh.

"Maya! What are you doing here?" I ask her.

She's not scheduled to film today.

"I'm here for you silly. Although, now I think about it, I should probably be supporting Joe. He's the one that has to beat me," Maya says laughing.

I laugh a long with her, until Ayla gives me a stern look that tells me I need to keep still while she works her magic.

"You really don't think it's a big deal?" Ayla asks me.

"It's not like it's my first on screen kiss," I say, giving a knowing look to Maya as she smirks.

"That's true..." Ayla says quietly.

As Ayla finishes off my makeup, Maya keeps telling me jokes and getting in trouble with Ayla for making me move too much. I suspect Maya doesn't believe me about not being nervous, and is trying to make me feel better.

Once I'm finished, Maya grabs my hand and walks me out of the trailer.

"I really am okay," I say to her.

"Really? Because Joe isn't," Maya says to me.

I drop her hand and stop walking.

"What?" I say, my eyes growing wide.

"Oh, don't worry! He was freaking out a bit, but last I heard Charlie was talking him down. He will be okay," Maya says to me, reaching out and rubbing my arm to try and reassure me.

"Maybe I should talk to him?" I ask her.

Maya shakes her head and reaches for my hand again.

"We don't have time, we've got to get to set now. He'll be on his way already," She explains.

I nod my head and follow her. She's right of course. I wasn't nervous at all before, but now that I know Joe is nervous I feel like my heart has dropped down into my stomach.

As I walk onto set, I spot Joe standing by himself anxiously running his hand through his hair and shuffling his feet.

I leave Maya by the visitors chairs, and walk over to him.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Yeah! I- I don't know what I'm so nervous about," Joe chuckles.

I smile at him.

"It's gonna be fine," I tell him reassuringly.

He looks into my eyes and gives me a small nod.

Robert walks over to us and points to where we need to stand.

"It's time to get into your places guys, you both need to stand behind that door there, and then Charlee you burst through and Joe you follow her," Robert explains as we listen intently.

We shuffle over to the door, I place my hand on the door handle as we wait and I turn my head to Joe who's standing close behind me.

"We got this," I say to him.

He smiles at me.

"We got this," He says back to me.

"Action!" Shawn shouts.

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