• Chapter Twenty-nine •

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"I want you to kidnap my best friend!"

I still remember the day I met her for the first time. Her eyes were shining brightly. Amber eyes. I was never mesmerized so much in my whole life before. Y/n's eyes were captivating and they successfully had me hypnotized. When I stood close to her that day, looking dead in her eyes. Something flashed. She was different. So different. I've never seen someone look at me with that look. She was never afraid of me. Me, a mafia. Known for killing people mercilessly. She wasn't afraid of me or what I could do to her.

"Death doesn't scares me big guy! Living like corpse does!"

These were her words when I asked her about her fears that day. It was scary how fearless she was but now I get it,she was fighting death everyday like a daily routine. Stupid. A very stupid person. That's what I thought about her on the first day and everyday I met her after that, she always proved that y/n was not only stupid but crazy. Strange that her craziness managed to melt down the ironic walls of my heart. She made my frozen heart beat. So loud that I was curious how I didn't end up dying. Reason, she was holding me by soul. She was bringing me back to life while losing her own.

I gulp down the lump forming in my throat as I stared at y/n who was still unconscious on hospital bed. "A tumor.." I couldn't recognize my own voice as the doctor turned to face me. "Isn't it curable?" I asked with a hope. "We can't say anything unless we run few tests.." the doctor patted my shoulder before leaving and I kept thinking various things in my brain.

My feets took me towards her and I let my fingers glide over her face, tucking her hairs behind her ears. I let out a sigh not knowing what to do. I can feel my heart shattering into pieces but no voice comes out. I want to hold onto her. Forever. I want to see that smile everyday. I want her eyes shine towards me everyday. I need her to be here with me. Forever. As long as a human needs air to breath. I need y/n to be here with me.

"I'm taking her home." I muttered as the nurse who was checking y/n's vitals looked at me with wide eyes. "The patient is still unconscious, sir." She reasoned as I tilted my head. "The doctor said she is sleeping." I muttered as she sighed. "We need to-" "You can check her at my house. I'll call the hospital as soon as she wakes up." I cut her off. The nurse tried to protest again when I passed her a glare and she looked down. "What... what relation do you.. have with her?" She questioned in a whisper. "J-just to be sure that.."


The word slipped out easily as the lady nodded. "I'll prepare the discharge forms." She left as I hummed. I knew how the rules of hospital works and hence I had to lie. Although, the nurse didn't look convinced enough but I don't care. As long as y/n is safe with me, I do not care. Once I signed the papers, the doctor looked at me as if he has seen a ghost. "You... you are the jeon j-jungkook?" I nodded with a hum. "Is that a problem, doc?" I asked and he shook his head. "I'll take my girlfriend then!" I exclaimed before scooping y/n up in my arms. Her silence terrified me but I took in everything as I placed her in my car and drove off.

You'll be fine, wild cat.

I wasn't surprised to see Jimin and Taehyung still at my mansion. In fact both of them were worried when I informed them that I was in a hospital with y/n. "What happened to her?" Taehyung asked as he eyed y/n in my arms. Still unconscious. "I'll explain later." I muttered as I made my way upstairs. "He looks tense." I heard Jimin. "As if he has seen a ghost." I sighed as Taehyung's voice reached my ears. I paused on the way to y/n's room. Instead I turned my feets to the opposite side and walked towards my room. Once I placed her in my bed I tucked her under the blanket and couldn't help planting a kiss to her forehead.

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