Chapter 16

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Man 3 weeks still no word. They been together though cause I see Ci's story and we all have access to each other's locations. What a hypocrite. Gets mad at me for spending time with Jori then turns around and does the same thing.

I got dressed for work. I stopped at dunkin on my way in and then settled at my desk.

"Yo Tay" El walked in

"Sup" I nodded

"I have an early morning meeting but I also told someone to stop by without thinking of it. When they get here keep them comfortable. My meeting should be over within minutes of them arriving" She winked

"Sure thing boss" I smiled
She walked into her office and closed the door. The other agents soon trickled in and the slow work day picked up.

"Hey Tay" I heard Kai's voice call my name

"Hey you must be the person El told to stop by" I chuckled

"Yeah we work out at the same gym and I she told me she works in insurance. Said she might could help me out"

"With" I looked at her

"Well my dad died and so I wanted to look over his policy" She fiddled with her phone

"Oh man" I didn't know what to say

"He still has my mom who left him on the policy and I wanted to know how I could get that changed" She shrugged

"Well I don't know much about insurance but you probably need his consent or something like a will" I scratched the back of my neck

"When she divorced him he made me power of attorney" she nodded

"Well then nevermind" I laughed "sorry about your dad"

"You don't gotta be" She sighed "I'm not"

"So how have things been with you aside from that" I asked

"Good. I uh been in contact with Von a few times. She told me you work here"

"Oh so you expected to see me" I laughed

"I did and I didn't want things to be awkward when I did" she sighed

"Don't gotta be. We each did things we regret and we both apologized it's over. We can move passed it like adults" I smiled

"Good to know" she moved some hair out of her face

"Holy rock" I noticed her engagement ring

"Oh yeah" she chuckled

"Someone's getting hitched" I laughed

"Not anymore" she looked at the ring

"Oh my bad" I stopped smiling

"No love lost. I was doing it to make ny father happy. I didn't love the man who gave me this ring"

"A man" I looked at her

"I wasn't strong enough to actually date women in front of my dad anymore" she sighed "I gave in. Dated a man"

"He know you're actually gay"

"Not at first but he figured it out. Didn't want to out me to my dad though. We've been pretending for dad but now we don't have to"

"I'm sorry you ever felt like you had to. You should be with someone because you love them not because you're afraid"

"Well now I'm single and not quite ready to mingle"she laughed

"Hello" El walked out "right this way to my office"

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